They Need To Train

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After the initial shock of Natsu being a father, Max and Gray decided to fight to see how much has changed. The fight was fairly matched, but Gray got angry and caged Max inside an icebox and let's just say Max sulked to his broom. 

Gray and the rest of the Tenrou team figured it was odd on how much has changed with the guild and the magic energy. Anna and Nashi were playing with Romeo, who was talking to Wendy, who was holding Mabel. Surprisingly Mabel was fine with being around the Sky Dragon Slayer, who I think was going to be one of Mabel's favorite people. 

"I think we should have a vote on the who is Master," I heard Natsu say, which shocked the Tenrou Team. I have forgotten how much I hate that. The people who had been around the last seven years have been used to the changes that had become of Natsu, especially when Nashi was born. 

"I vote for Natsu and Lucy to stay the masters," Max said. "But I think that until the games are over Makarov should take half of the responsibility of master, but taking the name of the master."

"I agree," Macao and Wabaka said. 

"Please put your votes in the box and we will count the votes at the end of the day," Kinana said with a gentle and lady-like smile. Layla said she was going to transfer to the Council so she could be closer to Mest, she even had asked I take care of her kids. 

"My vote is already in," Layla said as she left the guild without saying goodbye to her own kids. Anna and Mabel were saddened at the scene but cheered up when they saw Natsu and I come to them. 

"Don't worry," I said softly, "she will visit and everything will be okay. Uncle Natsu and I will be here if you need anything."

The girls hugged us before we saw Erza crying about not being able to see Alzack and Bisca get married. 


I was beside Bisca as the wedding was taking place before us. Natsu was in the crowd watching as a side character. Sorcerer Weekly had even been there to cover the wedding as the hot scoop of Fairy Tail. 

The wedding was over with and I was being interviewed since I was the master alongside Natsu. "When will you and Chaos ever be married?"

I looked startled as Natsu came up behind me with her glare in place, and I looked him in the eyes. "We aren't marrying. Marriage is just a piece of paper that says you belong to someone, we have something stronger than that." Luke walked towards us as Natsu picked him up and handed him to me. We showed our mating marks proudly. "I am his mate as he is mine, forever we are bound. We also have a handsome boy and soon to be a child on the way."

Natsu's shock was evident, but there was a flash and the next day news about our unborn baby was all over the Sorcerer Weekly magazine. I smirked thinking of how the other members of Fairy Tail would have reacted to the wedding and the announcement of my unborn child. 

End Flashback 

We sat in the master's office talking to Makarov about the Grand Magic Games. I explained what the games were about. "It's a competition created in the last seven years where the winner is considered the strongest guild in Fiore, also getting a thirty million jewels reward to the winning guild."

"We are entering that competition to win that prize," Makarov exclaims with a greedy look in his eye. 

"No, we will join to show that we are back and we are still number one. We are the tenth strongest guild in the whole Kingdom." I was sat on Natsu's lap with a glare on the Master's direction.

I left no room for debate as I walked out. With Natsu on my heels with a small glare on my face, Makarov doesn't seem to really want to join the games for anything other than the money. 

Walking up to Wendy who was reading a stack of papers that Porlyusca had given her. I smiled and decided to help Wendy learn the attack spells, she had a frustrated chaotic aura around her small body. Sure, Wendy was happy but learning spells alone was a task that no one could do a hundred percent by themselves. 

Natsu Pov

I stood right next to Nashi and Lucas as they spoke to the Tenrou Team in curiosity. Mabel and Anna were behind me somehow in a shy way around the other people in the guild so I placed a hand on both their heads in hopes to give them comfort. The two girls are my nieces and I think of them as my own kids, unlike their mother. I hate Layla. 

Lucy had to stop me from murdering her by eating my attacks as well as fighting me. Why she protects that demon I want to know. That woman is something not worth being protected, especially when she smells like a new guy every damn day. 

Mabel made grabby hands at me asking to be picked up. I complied but the Tenrou team seemed to think I was attacking the child for they all had their magic at the ready. When they released the magic I waved my hand upwards and the spells dispersed when my magic energy was much higher than the others. 

Damn, those insects smell. 

Mabel, Anna, Nahsi, and Lucas all stood behind me shaking. Lucas though was slightly beside me trying to help me defend the girls. 

"Tch," I growled and moved away, gently pushing the kids in Lucy's direction. 

"Chaos! We know you are playing a trick," Olaf said. I really forgot just how much I hated these people. Even the ones who stayed behind weren't as annoying. 

"Leave those kids alone," Black Steele yelled at me. His red eyes glanced at Bookie girl before he looked back at me. 

I used my magic to make a slide for the kids to use so they can be with Wendy and Lucy.

"Technique number one twenty-eight," I said. Lucy, as well as the others who were here for the last seven years, nodded and covered their eyes or covered the younger kids eyes. The little Fire Ant covered Wendy's eyes before covering his own. 

Turning around to face the others I let the darkness inside me expand out of my body. I knew that the horns, scales, wings, and demonic features were forming on my body, my eyes were also turning black as my iris were blood red. The group from the island now had black eyes as their worst nightmare came and killed them on the inside. 

Everyone was different, but I knew each and everyone's fear. For example, Scarlet was fighting the blue haired guy before her sword plunged itself into his heart. His brown eyes her full of hate and anger as he looked at her before his hand smeared on her face leaving his blood on her once clean skin. 

"Now, you know how much they need to train, Woman, now do the grouping so we can get going." 

Lucy came forward, her eyes still shut, and let me feed off of her chaos filled with anger and lust. My personal favorite from her as it is sweet and deliciously tangy. Pulling her closer I let my own chaos enter her body. Her intoxicating scent came to my nose, I allowed myself to follow the smell that was coming from between her legs and blew. A gasp came from her and her lust was now mixed with frustration. 

"Natsu, stop."

"We will continue this at midnight," I bit her ear harshly until blood came into my mouth. 

We left the guild, Lucy now in a blue cat costume before she put my cheek in her mouth and sucked. 




Edit: so to answer those questions on how Lucy changed into the cat costume, it's because she has been learning repquip to change outfits on the spot. So when she uses star dress it makes it look like it has more than the magical outfit change.

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