Going Home.

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He looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. "Hmm?" he hummed. "That's some face you have on there."

Tears welled in Layla's eyes. How can she not have this kind of face? She believes we are the reason for all this.

"Don't look like that, Lay," I heard Levy say. Layla gasped, and my head whipped around to see Levy, Jet, Droy, and Reedus all smiling at us. "Not after everybody pitched in and won this fight."

Droy turned his head to look at the guild hall. "Sure it left the guild in ruins, but," he trailed off.

"It can always be built up again," Jet said.

"Oi," Reedus agreed.

I started to tremble as I looked at them. Happy flew off of Layla as Levy began to walk toward us. "Sorry we made you worry about us, Lay," Levy said with a sad smile.

"No," I said with a trembling voice. I covered my mouth with my hand. "This is all our fault," I said. I began to cry softly. The area becoming hot as I cried. Layla said the same thing as I did so I didn't repeat myself.

Levy shook her head. "I heard all about it. Not a person here blames any of this on you two," she said.

"Lucy and Layla, happiness and sadness. We can't share in them completely, but we can share them to a certain extent." Happy lightly flew into my arms. I hugged him close to me. "That's what a guild's all about. One person's happiness is everybody's happiness. One person's anger becomes everyone's anger. And one person's tears is everyone's tears. There's no reason for you to feel guilty. You should already know how everybody feels." My tears roll down my cheeks and onto Happy's head. He snuggles closer to me. Layla was on the ground sobbing heavily. "So lift your heads up," Master continues. He turns and smiles at us. "You are members of Fairy Tail after all."

I start to cry even harder and slowly fall to the ground and clutch Happy closer to me. Layla grabbed me as we cried on poor Happy. Levy smiles down at us, and bends down to offer her hand to help Layla up and hugged her. She went to help me up but before I can reach for her, I felt someone sit behind me. Levy's eyes widen, but she doesn't move away. Instead, she sits down in front of me. I turn my head to see that Natsu was sitting down behind me with his back to me. I turn my body enough to lay the side of my head on his back. Layla sat by me as she rested against my legs.

By the time I calmed down, the rune knights had shown and ordered us to stay put. Natsu glared at any of the knights that came close to us. I watched the knights set up tents and started to question each guild member. One of the knights walked confidently over to us. The guild members around us gasped and got in his way. I had busied myself with wrapping Layla, Happy, and Natsu up. I had already done the first two and I was now just finishing up with Natsu. He did give a small fight, but I won in the end.

"Get out of my way!"

"We're trying to save your life."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No. It's just that the man in the cloak over there is Chaos, and he's been in a bad mood all day." At this point, I looked as I had finished with Natsu.

The knight's eyes widened, and his face paled. He looked at Natsu, Happy, and I, and his eyes focused on me. Layla had been taken in for questioning. He let out an irritated breath and glared at the guild members blocking him. "Do you think I'm stupid? Chaos wouldn't get mixed up in this. He doesn't care about anyone, and he definitely wouldn't let a girl lean against him like that. He's heartless."

Levy shook her head. "I would normally agree with you, but she's an exception. She's his job partner, and she's new to the guild. He's very protective of her, and the fact that she's hurt and crying isn't helping his mood. If you take her away from him, he won't be happy." Again with excluding Happy.

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