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Hey guys. I know it has been a while- two months at most- since I last said anything about this book. I am super duper sorry about that, but I needed time because I got writer's block then I have been busy with babysitting that I forgot to do anything. Parties, fiance, family, baby shower planning, and overall just needing me time. 

As you all know that I have other books, but I also have an account with a friend and I haven't even been working on those at all. Honestly, I lost inspiration for all of this- when I began to get a huge idea for this. 

My idea was what if I made this story different and start over by making a new one. I would keep the whole #chaosnatsu thing, but what if I don't follow the storyline at all and make up my own story for fairy tail? '

I don't have my laptop anymore, so my grammar is probably gonna be horrible. Please let me know what you all think. As for this Tamer of Chaos, I am sorry to say that it is now forever finished.....








I will most likely take even longer to get this guy finished. From where my memory serves Natsu and Lucy decided that the guild members that went to Tenrou were in desperate need to train. 

Looks to see if I am right...Yes, I was correct. Ugh, I am such a slow reader. 

Please if you like this story go check out Innocently Chaotic on my profile. 

Lucy was sitting in her office as she watched her youngest being coddled by an overly protective father. Natsu was holding Nashi as he listened to both of her soft snores as well as the sounds of the old members yelling and screaming at each other- something about making training teams for the grand magic games. It was worrisome to have Mable, Anna, and Luke was down where all the chaos is, which is ironic since Natsu is up here instead of where the chaos was coming from.  

Anna was asking Gray to have him teach her ice magic instead of me- not that it bothered me at all, more time to do paperwork. I sighed at the thought of it, the piles slowly were piling up since the group came back from the island which was mostly complaints about the noise Fairy Tail was making. Mable was, last I knew, she was working with Happy with making water sculptures with her magic- poor girl was the only one who didn't have dragon slaying magic. We aren't sure if Nashi is a dragon slayer yet.

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts right before Luke came in. "Mom, there is a guy stripping in front of the twins." 

My only warning was a flash of pink that zoomed out of the room- Nashi in that flash. Luke smiled at his father before he began to follow him, Happy on top of his head. "Don't be stupid...don't be stu-"A crash sounded and a wailing Nashi reached my ears. "I said...don't be stupid."

I got up and stormed down the stairs- Maple giggling how Daddy was in trouble. "Shush, Mable...Mommy is so cool." 

I glared at Anna, Luke, and Mable making them shiver and hide behind the bar. My glare soon landed on a panicked Ice Breath holding a wailing Nashi- who was reaching for Natsu. 

"What," I hissed at Gray and Natsu, "the fuck happened down here?" 

I noticed there were ice cubes falling out of Grays underwear before I saw him throw my baby back to Natsu- who looked beyond pissed with Gray. "Olaf decided to throw a table at me for telling him that he needed to wear clothes when there were kids around. I threw Nashi to Luke, but Gray caught her saying that I shouldn't even be a father." 

I glared at Natsu and Gray, "Luke, take your sister and watch Mom, Mable, and Ana do to bad boys." Luke did as he was told, but seemed confused as to why he needed to see this since he was never a bad boy. Mable and Ana ran up to me as they made ropes out of ice and water as they directed the ropes to be tied around Grays arms and legs. I stalked up to Gray and cast a spell on him that will actually shit himself. 

"Now, Ana please make a bucket under him. The spell should work after Uncle Natsu does his part."

Natsu smirked before making Gray see the most terrifying vision he could think of for Gray. It wasn't long before Gray was screaming and crying- the gross part was luckily hidden from the guild as he shit himself. As that happened I looked inside of Natsu's memories before I came down the stairs to see that he did, in fact, tell the truth. I don't doubt Natsu since he never lied to me before. There was still a chance that he did though. 

Everyone who wasn't used to seeing any form of real punishment from Natsu and myself were trembling in fear. 

"Now," Natsu began only to look at me before he was tackled by the kids like a play toy. 

"I want you all out of here to train by midnight," I said sweetly but that changed when I glared at them with my dark voice. "I don't care who with, I want you OUT." 

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