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Once we got home I noticed that Wendy was practically asleep. Her body was almost ready to fall had I not picked her up. I held her bridal style and head on up to a spare room tucking her in for the night. Wendy's long blue hair fell across the pillows in a disarray that looked almost perfect. I pat her hair back in a silent goodnight. Walking out of the room quietly I walked down to the kitchen to get started on a quick and easy dinner.

It isn't every day that Natsu doesn't give me a slight argument on what is allowed and what isn't. So imagine my surprise when he didn't fight me on letting Wendy stay with us. Happy was also surprised because he kept on mumbling about it being impossible.

"Lushy?" Speaking of the devil. "Natsu wants his food soon. Also, he wants to speak with you. Carla also said she would like to speak with you and Natsu about something."

Sighing I made a few plates of food and walked into the dining room to serve it. "Carla first. Happy said you wanted to speak with us?" I asked.

The female exceed nodded. "I would like to thank you for letting us stay with you all. It means a lot to the girl."

I deadpanned. That was all she wanted to say. She didn't have to say a thank you, just knowing the girls were safe was enough for me. Either way, I smiled softly towards her when she began to eat. Her cup was empty, and based on her personality I think tea will be a good choice. I love tea as well, especially fruity iced teas. It's hot out since it's summer and in the middle of a thunderstorm, it makes it muggy. Once it was poured into our cups I sat down and looked towards Natsu.

Now Natsu was being a bit hard to read, but I knew I wasn't going to like what he will say. He put his elbows on the tabled and rest his head on his crossed hands. His eyes suddenly burned with anger. "They are not staying."

I blinked once.



I stood up and slammed my hands down on the table. "Like hell, they aren't. These girls will not be going anywhere. They need someone they feel they can trust. Where would they even go without money? They sure as butterscotch aren't going to FairyHills."

Natsu glared up at me before he too stood up. He didn't just get up he walked towards me. Grabbing my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes. "They can stay somewhere else. Blondie would take them."

Layla? That's right she loves kids, but Wendy somehow already grew attached to us. How would she feel about us seemingly abandoning her? She lost the people she thought were real and her friends, so what would she think if we just left her with my sister?

"But she is vulnerable. She needs someone who she trusts." I began to babble about Wendy needing to stay with us. I was cut off by Natsu placing his hand over my mouth to make me shut up. He took a deep breath and looked me in the eye.

"Lucy," my eyes widens. He never, like this is the first time, called me by my name. "The kid can't stay. I am not ready to take in kids. I just barely allowed you to live with us."

I looked down since I knew I couldn't force Natsu from being out of his comfort zone. "But."

"No. Maybe sometime in the future. Let me get used to you."

I sighed and nodded. I pushed my food away from me and walked into Natsu's room. I don't want him to think I will let a disagreement to stop something we have done since I started to stay nights here.

I was quick to fall asleep, but I kept tossing and turning. I don't know why, but something wasn't right. Around five minutes later I heard Natsu come in and cuddle close to me. I was trying to fall asleep for the longest time, so when I saw the first rays of light I decided to make a huge breakfast as well as bake a bunch of things. Maybe I could even sell the treats.

The moment I heard light and gentle footsteps with a set of flapping wings come in the kitchen I saw it was eight in the morning. "Breakfast is on the table. Help yourselves."

That was all that needed to be said as I heard silverware clinking against plates and bowls I got back to baking. I made seven large cakes, many types of cookies, brownies, brookies, and pastries. I never make as much as I did unless something stressed me out a bunch or I didn't sleep well. In this case, it was both. I just wish I knew what stressed me out so much.

I decided to give Laxus and Layla a call. Once I got a hold of my old apartments number I dialed. It rang a few times before I heard someone pick up. I put the phone on speaker.

"Hey so I know it's early, but do you think you can help me and the rest come and bring treats to the guild?" I only heard deep and gruff breathing. "Hello?" More breathing. "Laxus, this isn't funny. Put Layla on now!"

"If you want Layla safe you will come over and surrender yourself to your uncle. Otherwise, he will attack that precious guild of yours. Bring only yourself. Bring anyone else or warn them we will kill everyone in the guild. You have something your uncle wants."

With that, the creepy man hung up leaving that weird long beep tone. I was slow, but I hung up the phone and turned around to find everyone was up. Everyone, except Natsu, held fear and total worry on their faces. I was slowly beginning to panic. They can't know.

"I have to go," I breathed. I only got passed Natsu before something hard hit me under my skull. The last thing I saw was a very pissed Natsu before everything was black.

When I came to I saw I was in the Guild. I was too groggy to see what was going on. When I was less so I noticed that they put me in a rune box that held my magic at bay. I couldn't break the walls or escape. I began to pound on the black walls trying to break free. I couldn't hear or see what was going on outside these stupid walls. I was panicking.

I sat in a dark closet that had runes that made it so I can't use my magic Daddy Igneel gave me. I was only able to move just enough so I could stretch very little. There was no potty, so I was sitting in my own pee. It smells bad in here.

I saw the door open to see my Uncle with a belt. I looked at him confused. I think it's only been two days since Layla and I moved in and Auntie died. Ever since I woke up I was in this closet thing.

"Why do you have a Belt, Uncle Jude?"

"Ladies don't speak. You killed her. You and your sister. I will do more than kill you."

I began to pound harder as if I could feel the belts hit me on my back. I never once made a sound because I don't want to be punished harder. "Let me go."

I flinched as if I felt another whip pass on my back. Physically I didn't feel it, but I felt it. I don't know how to explain it, but I can. I couldn't stop crying. I curled in a ball on the floor trying to make myself smaller. Make everything go away.

Layla was gone.


She was kidnapped.


I was in a dark place with no magic or escape.


What was it I did wrong?


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