Save me

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Laying in a fetal position in the corner of this dark box. He could come in at any moment and finish his job. I can only hope I can be let back out soon.

Light flooded on the dark floor. A dark silhouette came forward, the person was wearing a long cloak that made them even more intimidating. I felt fear creep into my body even more. Where was Layla? Is she safe? Can I leave? Who is this person? What are they going to do?

Will I die? I don't even want to think of that possibility that I might not live.

The figure came closer and closer. Their steps were purposeful and deliberate. Why are they moving slowly? They bent down on one knee and lit their hand on fire. Light burst on his face, blue light. Familiar light. What made it feel familiar? A hand moved towards my head, in which I only whimpered and slithered further away. I was still in my fetal position just in case he attacks. There will be less body that he can harm. A female voice came in through the way that he entered. Uncle never had females come, ever.

"Dragneel, you're the only one who can do it." Dragneel? That doesn't sound right. It felt as if I shouldn't be afraid of this person, of Dragneel, but I am. I am so confused that it's making me feel sick.

A couple smaller shadows came in fast after the voice had spoken, a scream ripped through my lips. I am so going to be punished for that. The two figures hurried closer towards the first figure and myself, but the first one growled. The two backed away, yet an even smaller figure came in and carefully flew it's way towards us.

"Lushy? Can please I come over?" A squeaky male voice asked. I don't know what it was but the two people in the box with me made me relax, even if it was just slightly. The smaller of the two came up towards me and slowly began to pet my head. At first, I flinched, but I slowly let my body relax.

I wouldn't like to admit it, but it was relaxing, not forcing myself. So much so that my body went completely limp. It would have stayed like that had the mysterious one tried to reach for me. I flinched and tensed up. The only thing I saw was uncle Jude reaching for me. I began to cry, but I freaked, even more, when I saw a mist of grey, black, and purple come off me. The man in the cloak began to rock me side to side giving a low quiet hum. Slowly letting him relax me I laid my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat.


The world was slowly dimming. This song the man hummed growing louder as my body responded when I finally gave in to relaxing. His warmth entering my chilling body slowly calmed me.

Bu-dum. Bu-dum.

Memories of earlier of the day came back to my mind. My memories of my guild and friends returned to me. Natsu and Happy were the only ones able to calm me. With Natsu rocking me and humming gave me a sense of security that I have forgotten ever since mom and Auntie died.

Bu-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

Laxus was in the guild, without Layla. Layla...Layla is still out there. Uncle wants us back. He isn't and will never give up. I have to save Layla somehow. Do I still have the time? I looked up at Natsu to see he was watching me. He put a glass of cool water to my lips and made me drink. I took small sips to be sure I wouldn't get myself lightheaded. Happy had patted my hand, careful to not spook me back to where I was.


"Where is Layla?" I whispered.


Natsu gave a small sigh as he pushed me away from him slightly. I sat myself up and faced him. He didn't answer me which made me nervous.

"We have someone using Take-over magic to pose as you. Big sis is getting her as we calm you down." I heard Lisanna answer. I don't know how I knew, but I recognized her voice. A slow nod from me as Natsu and I continued our staring. "While you were out Freed had put you-."

Lisanna was suddenly quiet. I didn't want to look away from Natsu to find out either. I did, however, furrow my brow together so that I wouldn't ask.

"Levy? Will you help Wendy get a room at Fairy Hills?"

I heard shuffling until I heard Levy breathing near me. When she tried to get closer I flinched slightly, but I began to focus more my attention on Natsu. Never had I paid such close attention to someone's face. I looked at his tanned face, his full, but uneven lips. His eyes held a lost and empty look underneath all the annoyance, anger, and frustration in his eyes. It was almost saddening to see such a look in his eyes.

"Why? What's wrong with her living with either you or Layla?" My eyes widened at hearing her name and I began to search the guild. Is she truly safe? Will she come back? What if she is dead? Did he beat her? Why couldn't it have been me?

Natsu must have noticed my change in attitude because he moved me closer to his chest.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

Just the sound of his heartbeat calmed me instantaneously. My body relaxed as I closed my eyes and took a huge sniff of Natsu. He smells of pine, cinnamon, and pineapple. An odd combination for a scent, yet it suits him. Oddly enough. A sigh escaped my lips when I heard a soft snore come from the man holding me. Next thing I knew was that we were on our sides me being held in his arms. My face is facing his chest, which I tried to squirm around so I can get comfortable. It didn't work so I was so embarrassed that I lit up in flames slightly. What I hadn't expected was that Natsu would relax his body so I could move.

Now facing the guild with a red face I spoke up. "With how often I seem to have attacks, I need to work on learning to control it. Layla loves kids, but she isn't ready. She is also like me. She panicked, not as much, but it is much worse than my attacks. Layla bottles it all up until she is alone, which she leaves me alone to learn to hide my emotions. That is why we can not take care of her."

The guild only nodded in understanding, but they clearly wanted to keep me talking. I'm in no way ready to do so because of how drained I feel. It isn't helping any that Natsu is getting really warm that it's making me want to fall asleep in his arms.

I felt that there was no surface beneath Natsu and myself, so when I looked and saw we were floating I wanted to freak. Only thing was I was too tired to do so. When I felt cool leather and a heavy blanket be placed on the two, I mean three I forgot that Happy was in between us, did I fall into a dark and peaceful slumber.

Natsu saved me. He always does. I wish how I could return the favor.


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