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It had taken a long time to get the rest to agree to let Wendy stay with us. Most said they didn't need help from a weak little girl. The rest said that she was too young and inexperienced to help. I had told them that I would take all responsibly regarding Wendy and Carla. It was Natsu who finally convinced them with his glare and lit hand.

We were all discussing magic and how we could work together as a team. I don't know how, but I ended up being voted to be captain of the meeting. It would have been easy to do if the Blue Pegasus boys weren't all flirting. I blushed because I wasn't used to such attention. It all ceased when Natsu grabbed me and sat me on his lap. I had Wendy beside me and placed her on my lap, as both exceeds sat on hers. It was a weird sit down.

"How do we figure out who is in what group?" Gray asked me.

"I think with the magic that can work well together."

Erza had suggested that we are split into groups of three. When Happy said that he, Natsu and I were all one group she glared harshly.

"Cats don't count." She screamed. Wendy took that as a hint to hide her face into my chest. I felt her tremble which made me angry at Erza. I was so angry that everyone was backing away from me. Well almost everyone. Wendy and Carla stayed with me as did Happy and Natsu.

"You are scaring her, Scarlet." Natsu winced as I used Erzas last name. "I don't like you, and I'm hating you with how you are acting towards Happy, Carla, and Wendy. I get that Happy and Carla are not human, but they are still apart of the team. So if it's that much of a problem to you Wendy and the exceeds will join us."

Erza glared and actually stuck her leg out and went to kick me. She would have if Natsu didn't attack her.  He pushed me and Wendy off his lap. Natsu had kicked her across the room and bounced on her and punched her with a right hook to the face. "What is your problem with her?" He screamed.

I turned Wendy to sit on the chair and went to stop Natsu from injuring a strong member of the team. Just as I was about to help I heard her answer and I made me freeze as well as everyone else.

"She is a useless wannabe wizard. She is so exposed that she is most likely pregnant with some poor unfortunate guy." She ground out. I was in shock that I didn't help until a couple minutes of seeing her being beaten up. I was quick to stop Natsu from injuring her any further. I dragged him outside so the others can decide who is in what group.

"Wendy, Carla, and Happy let's go. We have to scout our area." With that we ran, Natsu stopped me and faced me. "You need to feed, don't you," I stated. He only nodded. I sighed and looked to the others. "Please turn around. I don't want to feed him with you young ones watching. Carla if you must know come here please." Carla had opened her mouth to interrupt me but I beat her to it. I told her what Natsu had to do to feed and why. She nodded and had the others face the other way as Natsu put his lips on mine and began the process of feeding. He bit my lip really hard that I moaned in displeasure. He sucked the blood and wiped the wound. Sometimes I think he is a vampire.  I cleared my throat and told them we should get moving.

(Like I said all Fight scenes will be dismissed. Just so you know Angel uses air magic so Wendy would fight her. So we are there. Natsu is off looking for Nirvana with Happy, as Lucy is trying to Help Wendy.)

Wendy bent over panting as we had finally stopped running. We were looking for Natsu and the group. The battle was super intense that I wish I had made Wendy go back, but I'm glad she stayed. She is a big help. She had healed Erza of a poison injury and she went running off to find this Angel character who uses air magic. She had explained that she was a Sky Dragon Slayer, so she would be best for the job. I had been helping out with the battle against Zero who Natsu had fought. For a guy who sleeps a lot he sure is super strong. His magic is really odd, same as the fact that he wears makeup. I am all for it, but he doesn't need to cover up. He was cute with makeup I bet he would just as good without.

A sudden gust of wind hit me in the face and knocked me over. "Lucy!" I gave a thumbs up when I got back to my feet. There was a girl who was covered in white feathered clothes. Her hair was a silver color as her eyes held a drifted look in her dark blue eyed. Her bangs were held down by a headband. "So you must be this air mage we have heard about."

I faced palmed at how polite she was being. I love her, but she is being a bit of a pushover.

"That is me! Angel! I will make you and the bimbo fly away like angels." What is her deal with angels?

Wendy got into a fighting stance. Her posture was weak and inexperienced that Angel laughed. Wendy only whimpered as Angel sent a wind attack at Wendy, but Wendy ate it. Angel was surprised that Wendy wasn't hurt by her attack that she kept hitting Wendy with them. Wendy looked apologetic as she walked forward. "I have seen Natsu and Lucy do it, so I think I can too." She took a deep breath while her magic aura was around her glowing a blue-green. The air around her blew all over until she directed her attack at Angel. "Sky dragon's roar!"

A tornado hit Angel making her unable to control Wendy's air for she can not control it like Wendy. When she finished her roar Angel was knocked out on the ground. I gave Wendy a high five and a hug. "You did amazing, Wendy. I'm proud of you."

Soon the whole ground shifted and we were being lifted into the air. I saw that we weren't the only ones who had gone up.

((The whole Nirvana was explained and they all fought to get the thing to save Wendy's town and Guild. When they all destroyed the thing they all went down to discover that Wendy's guild was a projection of the past. Jellal was erased from Wendy's Memory))

By the time the entire Cait Shelter guild members were gone Wendy was a sobbing mess on the ground. Apparently, she wasn't found in a rainforest by the Master but was found by some Jellal guy. Erza had gotten down and went to comfort her, but Wendy shrugged her off and ran towards Natsu and I. Happy sat on the girls head as Carla was on my shoulder.

"What am I gonna do Lucy?" She sobbed. Looking towards everyone else for help, but the shook their head no. Even Layla. Though Layla was never good with crying kids. Erza tried to come over again, but Wendy hid behind me.

Natsu squatted to her height and looked into her eyes. "Crying is annoying. Smile, it's less annoying."

Wendy tried, really she did, but no smile came. "Can I live with you?" She asked Natsu and me.

"I don't mind, but it's Natsu's home. It's his say. You can always join our guild too. But if you don't want to you don't have to."

That is what gave Wendy the encouragement to smile. We went to a town store and we all got new clothes since ours was all ripped and destroyed. Natsu just kept his jacket, threw the shirt away, and got new black pants. I got Wendy a red and white dress shirt with a white tank top to put underneath. She picked a black skirt and black knee-high socks. Her shoes ended up being black wedges.

Carla only got a pink sundress with a matching bow for her tail. Happy asked Carla which vest he should get. He was then disappointed when she said she didn't care. So now we are on a boat to Magnolia, our home.

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