Phantom attacks

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I knew I was correct in saying that they were actually heading to Clovertown. Natsu and I were knocked out of the sky. Though I wish I could remember what happened. Last I remember I fell and hit a rock with the back of my head and seeing a very piffed (pissed. Instead of swearing my Spanish teacher said that) Natsu.

"You hurt my woman. Die." Then I blacked out.

I woke up next to Layla. We were both tied up to a wall, Layla who was wide awake and bleeding. I felt a pounding headache in the back of my skull. I looked around and saw that we were in a cell. Layla was quick to use her magic on the cuffs but ended up being shocked. I screamed at Layla in fear and worry.

I tried to move, but I didn't get far. I got annoyed and began to focus on the air around me and tried to collect as much ether nano into my body as I could. Soon I felt a bunch of magic energy flowing into me. I hummed a song Uncle Bolder used to ask Igneel to tap out. It relaxed Layla enough to get the magic energy in her body. I see it still works because I see the magic aura around her becoming stronger.

Eventually, the cheap magic canceling ropes burned away with the heat coming off my body. Layla used her spiked nails to saw off the ropes on our feet.

"I see you managed to escape the ropes." A deep and creepy voice states. "I figured you girls would be too weak to even break these cheap things."

"The weak one here is you. Kidnapping a girl who was watching her sister." Layla spoke. "Not to mention the sister was in a mini-coma."

What? Was I in a coma? I don't remember anything of the sort. An evil laugh sounded through the cell. "There is a bucket in there. Don't think I will fall for an old trick."

I looked to find Layla shifting herself to sit on the bucket. The goth man became flustered as he hid his eyes from us. I used this to kick him in the place it counts. Layla summons crystal wings and flew off to the guild. I was trapped.

I had two choices. Jump and hope Natsu would come or get caught again. "It's the end of the line for you, Heartfilia. Uncle Jude wants you as daddy wants the other wench."

I heard stomping feet that were light and precise. I looked and saw pink. I waited until Gothica got close and went to reach for me. I jumped when he did.

I was silent the whole way down. Just as I was about to hit the ground I felt warm arms catch me bridal style. Instantly knowing who it was I fell into an unconscious state.

By the time I woke up everyone was deep in battle. I knew I had to help, so I got up and made a beeline for the door. I was about to leave when I heard Mira talking to someone.

"She is important to Chaos, Lis. You know this. If anything were to happen to her it's game over for having his help in the war." I heard a deep voice hum in agreement.

"It's not like they are like mates or whatever. I have read old books with Levy on the subject and he shows signs of love for her."

I ran out at that moment. My magic fueled by my annoyance with her. I found Natsu easily. I ran up to him and began helping.

"FIRE DRAGONS ROAR." I cast. Half the Phantoms fell unconscious. I saw Layla fighting in the distance. I want to help her, but Happy and Natsu need me more. I saw Natsu lift his fingers and point them at a group of the Phantoms and shot.

"Happy! Inside! We have to help inside! Bring Chaos and Lucy!" Layla screams at Happy.


With that Happy picked me up to bring me inside, Natsu grabbed my foot as we were carried off. Happy flew higher than when he only grabbed me and sped off into the guild with metal legs. Layla followed us with her crystal wings still on her. Her forehead was covered in sweat as she was exerting herself from the amount of magic energy she was using for the whole war.

"Lucy, this is our fault," Layla said brokenly. Natsu glared up at Layla and growled.

"Not hers." I wanted to kick him, but I just ignored it. We passed Erza fighting some guy who had a blindfold over his eyes and being very poetically depressing. Next, I saw Elfman being held by Mira and Lisanna out of the guild. Gray had been trying to freeze the magic bomb thing.

"Gray stop. The more magic you use on it will give it the power it needs to go off again." Layla screamed. She grabbed him and threw him out the window.

"What is that?"

"Jupiter." Was a curt reply from Happy and Layla. We went along the hallway to the top of the guild. We were met with sadistic laughing. The one laughing had a sharp and taunting face. He had many scars along his arms, proudly showing that he isn't afraid of fighting. His long unruly hair was down to his lower back as it accented his crazed red eyes. His sleeveless vest showed his black guild mark on his left shoulder. Layla was easily knocked out with a hit of a metal pole hitting her in the chest.


"GiHi. That bitch was too easy. Who's next?" He said as he began to kick my fallen sister.

"Useless. You and Lucy are nothing but useless bitches." Hits and punches had hit Layla before I moved in her way. My ten-year-old body was being covered in blood and alcohol. I was more used to this than Layla. I gave Layla a smile saying I will take any hit she gets thrown at her.

I screamed as fire shot out of my lips as I threw myself at the long-haired male. I punched his face, but I was grabbed by the throat and thrown to a wall.

"Just how I like 'em, feisty". I gasped and coughed blood. I was quick to get up and kick the male with a flaming leg, but he was soon covered in black metal. His eyes were a bright red as he grabbed a random piece of metal and ate it.

I lit my hand on fire and went to attack again only to be kicked out of the window. He lifted me up by my hair as a foot stepped on my shoulder that was holding me up.

"Stupid Fairy. Don't you know that we dragon slayers can get stronger with our element? Gihi." He taunted.

"Okay, he is most definitely a dragon slayer." I held on to the ledge as I heard someone walking angrily. I turned myself with one eye for a moment to see Natsu coming at us. Suddenly my shoulder made a huge cracking sound and a scream of pain flew out of my mouth.

"Now that is music to my ears, Chaos. Isn't it beautiful?" I heard him say tauntingly. The only thing I heard was a growl. I lit my other hand and called Natsu to catch. I through the fire at him and he caught it he at the same time threw the man off me and I was now holding myself up tiredly. Happy had now grabbed me and held me up as we watched. Natsu looking at the fire in his hand with anger and confusion.

"I don't see how that helps Natsu beat Gajeel." Happy said in concern and confusion as he flew us over to Layla's side. He dodged all of Gajeels attacks while doing so.

"If you ate my fire before, then you can now," I said to clear it all up. "Maybe you can use my magic with yours."

With that, he ate it and began to fight Gajeel again. They were now evenly matched. Or so I thought. Natsu hit Gajeel with a punch as he did the same. It was a moment after that the metal barrier broke that had Gajeel scared. Natsu began hitting him in the face with absolute rage. Gajeel was soon a bloody mess and was knocked out as Natsu gave a Chaos Fire Dragon Roar. The roar had a mix of mine and his fires as dark blue stars floated off the fire. Natsu grabbed me as Happy then grabbed Layla and we left from the open wall.

I never saw just how bad the guild hall was destroyed. Nothing remained.

A rush of bright light blinded everyone for a minute. When it dimmed we saw that the enemy had fallen and we were victorious. We all gathered in the center to find that Macorav was staring at the building in a saddened mood.

"Master..." Layla stepped up from the group. The master looked to her to find that she was sobbing. I wonder when she woke up. "This is all mine and Lucy's fault. I'm so sorry."

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