Are we ready?

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I sat at the desk with Makarov, who had taken a keen interest to learn how Natsu and I handled things while he was gone, going over some simple marking in how the teams should be split. He wanted to make two teams, but Natsu was set on one team alone. Not that I could blame him- but I could see where Makarov was coming from in a way. With two teams there is a higher chance of getting into the games, but if something were to happen with one team we would have a fall back team. 

Natsu was glaring me down, ever since the others came back he had gone back into his old persona. He didn't like the older members coming back; not that I would blame him because I wouldn't want to be constantly be called a monster when I finally found some respect from the other members while they were long gone. The reason why I was being glared at was the fact that I suggested we give Makarov all the guild responsibilities, I was tired of sitting back and doing all this paperwork I wanted time with my family and to have time to go on jobs. 

"We had made a vote on who gets to be Master," Natsu pointed out. "I don't want to step down for an old geezer." 

I squinted my eyes at Natsu, he realizes that we would outlive practically everyone else which could cause potential problems for us in the future, right? "But what happens when we outlive everyone?" 

Natsu blinked a moment before he glared at me, "and I care why?" 

"If our kids don't mate, or mate with their true mate, they will die before us. We would be to occupied with guild business to even spend real time with them. They don't stay kids forever you know, they grow up fast." Natsu looked at the desk a moment before he sighed while he sat in his chair pondering over what I had told him. 

"Fine," he sighed. "But are we ready to step down and not have to take care of everything?" 

Makarov was watching the exchange with a stupid look on his face. He stood on my desk, which earned a growl from both Natsu and myself, and faced Natsu. "I believe that you are," he said in a warm tone, but he did get thrown off my desk by me. "Ouch. Okay, I deserved that. But Dragneel and Lucy, if you weren't ready for such a huge change you wouldn't even be wondering whether you're ready or not. If you weren't ready you wouldn't be worrying whether I could handle it or if the others would be okay without your guidance. You both have grown to be amazing masters and parents, but it is time to let someone else take the reins." 

I tried to follow his logic, but he seemed to say whatever had come to mind at that moment. Sure, it was inspirational, but it didn't change the fact that it hadn't eased our worries. But in the end, we took Makarov's advice slash order and dropped out of the voting and tell the others to welcome Makarov as the fourth master of Fairy Tail. Luke and Nashi had run over to Natsu and hugged his legs tight while Anna and Mable hugged my own. 

"Mommy," Mable said, "I am so happy to be able to see you again." 

Ana nodded her head and her smile made my heart feel light after worrying so much on if I was ready to leave Makarov to the guild business. "Maple, I am auntie, your mommy is in elsewhere for now." 

Mable frowned at me with her blue eyes watering, "but Lay-lay hates us. She said it after she left." 

"She is right," Anna said, she grabbed Lukes hand and looked him in the eyes. "She said she could never love kids who don't see her as a mother." 

I felt rage, but it wasn't coming from me. Rather it was coming from my pink haired dragon. His teeth were grit together but the sound of it was nothing pleasant. Putting Nashi on his shoulders, he bent down to pick up the twins and gave them a firm hug. He was masking his scent on them to claim the girls as his- as his kids. The difference between sexual masking and familial masking are the fact that the dragon slash slayer has more control over when it is with claiming someone as a member of your kin. Sexual is more instinctual as well as more erotic. 

"Don't worry, this mommy and daddy aren't leaving you behind like the last ones." I gaped at him as he made the promise of never leaving them. Sure we can outlive people, but if we are critically injured we can die. What is worse if a mate died and one is still alive that one that is still alive will go insane and kill themselves. "For as long as we can." 

I sighed and directed everyone to our home to get ready for dinner and to do some family fun planning for tomorrow. 

Ideas would be nice for what they do for a family outing. 


Amusement park


Training in the woods

As a side note, if you haven't heard yet there is a vote on who Lucy should be with in Innocently Chaotic.

Jackal or Natsu

Voting can happen here, but please only if you have read what is up. I kind of hope you all vote for Jackal as it would be more of a challenge for me.

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