Daddy Chaos?

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I BEG YOU IF YOU WANT TO TRY MAKING A #CHAOSNATSU OR #FEAREDNATSU STORY THEN DO IT. IT'S HIGHLY POSSIBLE THAT OTHERS WILL LIKE IT TOO. PLEASE DON'T BE AFRAID TO TRY.  I will help if you don't know how Natsu would act a tip is how you think makes Natsu feared in your mind. Imagine a situation and think of how normal Natsu would act then switch it so it is the Natsu you want would be. It has to feel natural to you. 

Seven Years Later July Ninth X791

Natsu sat on the edge of the second floor watching as Nashi waddled around the guild with a smile on her baby face. He was watching as many of the other members of the guild fought against the others in the room, most of whom were once villains. Some like Jellal who was under the control of a dark spell making him make a tower of Haven to have freedom and let Zeref help in making what they thought was freedom. 

Jellal made a small group of the once villains to help stop any and all dark guilds so they aren't always here to make an attendance. 

We have gotten a new barmaid to help Layla with the chores of the guild. Her name is Kinana and her presence feels very familiar so I don't know why. She and Cobra get along amazingly, but he is in jail still, I am trying to get it so he can join Fairy Tail, but the council thinks it best to let him visit supervised. 

Layla had twin girls seven months after we had learned of the Tenrou team, but she was happy to give birth to two baby girls. Her oldest looks so much like Mest, with her black hair and tan features, her small nose had the same point as him, but she had Layla's eyes. Her name is Anna. Then there is the youngest and shyest of the two. The small blonde is always stuck to her mother or me, her long wavy blonde hair fell past her shoulder blades her teal eyes was the only thing she got from her father. They named her after his mother, Mable, which suits her. I call her Little Maple because she is as sweet as maple syrup. 

"Mom! Dad is punching Macao for looking at Nashi, again." My oldest son, Luke, said. He is almost seven, he looks like Natsu but he has my blonde hair and brown eyes. 


I panted as I waited for Porlyusica to let me know when I could push and begin birthing my baby. The pain was something I didn't mind, but I wanted Luke and Natsu to leave until the baby is out. Luke left because it was past his bedtime, Bisca said she would watch him until the baby is out. Natsu, on the other hand, was glaring at my belly then my vagina in impatience waiting for when the baby was out.

"A-Aki, what gender do you think they are," I asked in hopes he would stop glaring because it was annoying me. He shrugged but he sat on the seat by the bed and pet my sweaty mess of hair. He was very protective of Luke, but he always fights with him saying he would toughen him up to protect his mate and family. "I think they are a girl, something tells me so. I would like a baby girl of my own." 

By Bisca and Luke were Mable and Anna sleeping against either side of Luke. They have been attached at the hip since they could crawl.  

"Okay, Lucy, push," Porlyusica said with a permanent grimace on her aged face. Fifteen minutes of pushing we could hear a baby crying. "Congratulations, it's a girl."

"What would you like to name her, Godmother Porlyusica," I asked sweatily. I had Natsu name Luke and I was happy that he had named him Lucas Igneel Dragneel. I looked at Porlyisica and smiled tiredly. Porlyusica had a shocked look on her face before a gentle smile crossed her face. 

"What was it that the blue cat used to call you," she asked me. 

"You mean Lushi?"

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