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"Lushy, we have to be careful. Bixlow has a creepy magic that possesses souls and uses them to fight." Happy warned me.

I nodded and glanced at Bixlow and took notice of his wooden dolls that float in the air. Those dolls must be his souls, but I don't know anything about his magic. Happy knows the basics, so what's the catch. Situating my body in a fighting stance so I can be prepared if he attacks, which he did. Happy jumped into action and grabbed my dress and flew me above to the roof of a building. The explosion was right on our heels which were actually hot with a cooling effect.

"What do you want to gain from this," I questioned Bixlow. Bixlow looked at me with his tongue out in a creepy way. His body language said he was having fun fighting.

"So we can wipe out you weaklings for Laxus. He will be the master of Fairy Tail after this," he laughed as if it was a fun game. I lit myself on fire before I grabbed my whip and launched myself at Bixlow, but his dolls protected him. He wagged his index finger back and forth as if he was scolding a child for grabbing a cookie. "Ah-ah-ah in order to fight me you gotta fight my babies!"

I just lit the dolls on fire since I need to know what his magic is capable of. The dolls just fell to the ground in ashes. "What's the catch? I know it isn't that easy to beat you."

Happy had come and held me as I was in the air, I had to make it so that my fire wouldn't hurt him with the heat. Glaring at Bixlow as I saw him smirk with amusement. "You're a smart one. Since I can control souls that means I can just replace their object of housing if the ones before end up being destroyed."

Now it made sense, once that was cleared up Bixlow attacked Happy and I again with new housed souls. Happy and I were getting our butts kicked, but I saw an opening to attack Bixlow and took it. "Fire dragons ROAR."

My attack flew at him at the speed of a shooting star. It hit him in the head causing him to lean back from the force. Giving Happy my whip I explained how he has to use it, he took it and cracked in on the ground ready to fight. He whipped Bixlow in the head as he also seemed to have found an opening. Burning the new recruits of Bixlows doll army, Happy and I got up to him. We heard him laughing mumbling something to himself. Taking off his helmet showed his black and blue hair that was very oddly styled. His face was angular giving him an intimidating aura. "It's been a long time since I had to use this spell."

With that said he snapped his eyes open and stares at us. Happy seeing this quickly told me to shut my eyes he explained that if we looked into his eyes he can control our own souls. He also explained that the other members of the Thunder Legion can use magic with their eyes as well.

Princess, use my power. The power of Leo the Lion. I heard a deep and velvety smooth voice tell me. I felt down into my magic that's my Celestial Maiden magic searching for what felt right. Suddenly I felt myself be transformed into a new outfit and I could very much feel a new power.

"When I say so Happy, I need you to trust me and open your eyes to trap Bixlow." I heard him whimper a sound that was in agreement. I focused all my power on my new light magic and forced it to show on my body. Sounds of anguished cries of pain came from Bixlow.

"My eyes!"

"Happy now!" I heard the sound of Happy cracking the whip and it wrapped around a body. "I think I win this one, Regulus Lucy Kick." My foot light with light before it came in contact with Bixlow in which Bixlow was then knocked out. I dropped to the ground and panted in exhaustion.

My body was in pain and my magic almost more than halfway gone. Happy was next to me quickly and also plopped down on to me. I wonder.

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