Talking to the men

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Okay so before I start I wanna give a huge shout out to my cousin. She had just recently joined and is writing a kids book. Please go follow her. ERICAJANEPUTNAMPRIM


Also, we are almost at a thousand views! I did not expect anyone to even like this book! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?! Any way you remember how Lucy had spoken to her father? That's exactly what happened when Layla had gone to talk to their father.

It was about noon when we stopped by our uncles for me to get things over and done with. I was with Layla when we went to our fathers so she can get it done to help me out sooner.

Just remembering what happened gave me a small smile. I have never seen Layla act so unladylike. First, she listens to him say she is in an arranged marriage and expects a baby boy to come out of it. Layla was so done with him that she tore the dress she was meant to be wearing right off in front of him. He was so shocked that he said nothing as she spoke about it being hard to never come back because of the staff and memories she made here.

"I have a new family. A family who cares. A family where my little sister and I won't be abused by the likes of you. So I am here to warn you now. Stay away from Fairy Tail." She had glared harshly at him, but it looked nothing threatening. I took my turn and spoke in my soft voice.

"Mess with Fairy Tail again and we won't hesitate to take you down. Just like any other enemy we have." I turned around while Layla waited at the door. "It's not Lucky Lucy Heartfilia anymore. I'm Lucy of Fairy Tail."

"Goodbye, Daddy." We walked out of the room and got changed into our old outfits.

It was the best moment of my life to say that and not get yelled at or worse. We stopped by our mothers grave and talked to her about what's going on. Well, Layla did, I just write to her. I sat on the ground playing with lavender flowers. Next thing I know I am hearing stomping feet and screaming.

"Hey, you guys! What are you doing here?" Layla asked confused. Her big brown eyes stared at Erza and a half-naked Gray. Being used to it I hid Layla's eyes so she didn't have to see. Though I was knocked over by a blue streak.

"Ow..." Happy cried in my chest as he hugged me like he will never let go. "Happy?"

"Don't ever leave me, mommy! I need you! You promised you wouldn't go anywhere!" Happy yelled. The group was watching the interaction between us.

I felt horrible so I pat his head and hummed to him until he calmed enough. "I was coming back. We were saying our goodbyes. We have to go to my uncle's so he won't do anything like that again."

Layla had squat next to Happy, who only glared at her. "From what Gajeel had said was that they teamed up to get us back to sell us off to some rich boys. Father was confirmed just now, he wanted me to marry and make an heir to the Heartfilia Railways."

"I love your town, it's beautiful," Erza said after a while of absolute silence.

"This is actually the gardens. The Heartfilia land goes all the way to that mountain over there." Layla said as she pointed to a mountain close to Clovertown. Gray and Happy gave shocked looks as Erza watched the blue sky.

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