Sky Maiden

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As soon as we got on the boat to go home Natsu was quick to lean against me, but I flinched when he landed on my shoulder. Apparently, he noticed because he forced himself off me and began to examine my body. I tried to fight him off, but he held my arms to my side. I hissed in discomfort from my shoulder.

The hiss caused Layla, Wendy, Carla, and Happy to look at me worriedly. When they looked at me the others had too and gasped at me being in Natsu's hold like I was. Gray ran over and attacked Natsu. Though Natsu saw it coming and had his fist out making Gray run into the said fist. The Trimen came and attacked him as well. The leader of the group grabbed me and hugged me close to his body which a groan came out of me.

"He hurt the princess men!" A short creepy fat man said. He had a humongous nose with a wild set of ginger hair. The men who 'saved' me tried to get me away from Natsu. Layla had enough of this so she attacked the men.

"Crystal dragons wing slash," came her war cry. I just lit my body on fire and walked back to Natsu. He gently grabbed my left shoulder and moved it back and forth. I hissed each time he moved it. "Dragneel?"

I heard Natsu sigh before he glared up at Layla. I don't know why she doesn't just use his name like she used to, but it's her choice.  I let him play with my body the way he wanted it to. He moved me so I was laying down on the ground with my arms spread out. "Girl."

Wendy came running over to us as she sat on her knees ready for whatever instructions he gives her. When he didn't make any other sentences I sighed and began to talk for him. "Wendy, sweetie, I know you like helping, but this is going to be hard for you to do. Just watch Natsu do what he does first then do the same on my other side." I saw her look scared and about ready to decline the offer, but something in her changed. She looked into my eyes determined and nodded. Natsu placed a foot under my armpit, causing a hiss to come from me, and pulled my arm towards him. A loud pop sounded like a quiet groan came from me. He looked at Wendy to see if she was doing the same on my right side.

"So this is how you relocate a dislocated shoulder? I don't want to put her in pain." Wendy whimpered. I held her hand with the arm Natsu put back in place. A tear fell from her face while she squeezed my hand.

"She'll be fine. She is strong." A snort was heard from a certain redhead. Natsu glared up at her.

"I'm sorry but strong? She hid behind you and Wendy, Chaos. She hid behind a young child." Erza began to laugh when she realized she was the only one laughing she glared and made a few of the other members fake laughing too. "A baby is stronger than a pregnant slut."

Wendy looked confused, but Natsu had her fix my other arm as he went and dragged Erza somewhere. Good thing the boat wasn't moving.

Just as the thought came the boat started to move. I was so distracted that I didn't even feel my shoulder get put back into place. I did feel a warmth spread in my body as the pain left me. I saw that Wendy was using whatever magic she had left. I was quick to gently move her arms away from me. "Layla, can you use your healing crystals on Wendy?" 

Layla grinned and did something she was really proud of.  Happy was now behind my hair as I was up. Carla was on my shoulder waiting until Wendy was healed. I saw the clear worry on her face. "Let's get you two something to eat."

I brought them to the kitchen and gave Happy a few raw fish and Carla some fruit salad. Carla looked disgusted at the raw fish but sighed happily with the fruit salad. "Thank you, Miss Lucy."

"I'm going to look for Natsu and Erza. When you finish either go to Wendy and Layla or come to find me." When they nodded their heads I went on my way to look for the two humans.

I was at the back of the ship to find Erza on Natsu's back. My magic flared as she was slapping him across the face.

"You dare defend your little slut? You could have had me or Lisanna, yet you chose some blonde big titted bimbo! She is weak while we are much stronger."

Stepping into the area I used a normal speaking voice. I really prefer my soft tone rather than this. "Yet you were crushing over a childhood friend of yours. What was his name again?" I feign thinking to remember. A finger against my chin tapping. Suddenly snapping my finger in mock victory. "Jellal Fernandez! He is a cute one. Too bad you are to hung up on Natsu to save him from a slutty blonde big titted bimbo like me." Erza glared at me as she got up and walked over towards me slowly and deliberate. "Sorry to disappoint, sweetheart, but I'm a virgin. I'm not weak. I don't hide behind anyone."

Before I could finish my speech she grabbed hold of my throat and squeezed hard. "You don't know me." A punch to the face. "You don't know about my strength." A knee to the gut. "You don't even know anything about the freak Dragneel. He is a monster. I have loved his wild side since I met him. I tried to be just as strong as him." At this point, she broke my collarbone.

A gust of wind separated us and I was left gasping on the ground. Natsu was now awake and making his way towards me. I looked over to see little Wendy putting Erza in a ball of air slicing all around her. I saw the tears in her light brown eyes. "How could you hurt Lucy? She is so amazing and strong. She helped you when you got poisoned! She got me to help heal you! I didn't want to, but she said to help our allies. Lucy is my ally as well as Natsu. Everyone is but you, but since you are there's I helped you." Wendy pushed her hand forward and brought it down to the ground. I saw that Erza was beginning to choke from the lack of air.

"Natsu," I wheezed and coughed. "Stop her. She'll kill her if she doesn't. Save her from doing something that would hurt her for the rest of her life!" With my last breath, I passed out.

When I came to I noticed that I couldn't open my eyes. Why is it that I always end up being knocked out for however long? I heard quiet sobs come from a few directions. I don't like the sound of the sobbing, they sound so broken and hurt.

I waited until I knew I was capable of opening my eyes. It wasn't easy, but I managed. I saw a blue blob on my belly. It was sky blue so I knew it was Happy. I felt something on my right hand. I looked there to find a crying Carla. I moved my hands to lay them on both the Exceeds heads. Their heads snapped up at my contact and instantly cried harder and hugged me in some place that wasn't sore. I looked to my left to see Wendy with her big brown eyes streaming tears. I patted the spot next to me as I moved over. She took the invite and cuddled close to my side. I did stiffen in pain at first, but I relaxed my body and I didn't feel as much pain.

A cup was handed to me. I looked at the tanned hand and followed the arm to the owner of the appendage. Natsu looked at me with his black eyes staring at me with relief. I smiled as I grabbed the cup and took small sips. It was hard to not gulp it all down, but I managed. I gave the cup back and sighed relieved.

"How long was I out this time?"

Wendy and the exceeds fell asleep cuddled up to me. I smiled at the group before glancing at Natsu.

"Four hours." I nodded. "You are not allowed on any more missions." I glared at him. How dare he tell me what to do? I was going to speak my mind, but he placed a finger to my lips and kissed me. Actually, he was just feeding. "No more with Red. Only me, blondie, cats, and the girl."

I raised a brow at him, but he pointed at Wendy. I knew that. I rolled my eyes at him. I patted the side of the bed for him to sit, but he picked up another bed and placed it behind Wendy and laid himself down.

"Thank you." He looked confused so I just giggled and moved Carla and Happy in the middle with Wendy. She is a little Sky Maiden. Graceful and a force to be reckoned with.

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