Layla? Anna? What?

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Third person

Natsu had lips on Lucy's again. Though this is the first time the guild had seen anything like this happen. They were curious and very concerned. Many in the guild had to be held back by ruins made by the Master. He didn't want any of his other children to get involved. Macorav wanted to see how his newest member could handle himself against one of his most dangerous and come unscathed.

Natsu's dark onyx eyes closed as he ate the chaos that Lucy was making. She doesn't know why he had kissed her again, but she beginning to get used to it.

Lucy wouldn't kiss back, rather she grew more and angrier. Who does he think he is kissing her like it's normal? He bit her lip causing blood to be drawn from Lucy. Natsu moaned at the deliciousness coming off the blood. Chaos is so much better when it's 'alive'.

Lucy had growled and went to slap the pinkette, but he pushed her up against one of the Guild posts. Arms held over her head as her legs were crushed under his. A deep and menacing growl could be heard coming from him.

The guild watched as they saw what looked like assault. They tried to fight off the runes that had kept them there watching what was going on with their guildmate. Cana could care less about Dragneel, but she adored Lucy already. Others felt the same way, but they couldn't get past the stupid ruins.

Happy flew down to sit on Lucy's head, making her even more pissed. The chaos was now a visible black mist that surrounded the trio. This had concerned everyone, except the trio. What was happening?

Next thing that the guild saw was Dragneel being flown across the room with a stream of glittering fire on him. Next thing they knew was that Lucy was on top of him glaring. They flinched, secretly glad that it wasn't directed at them. Happy was happily on her head watching above.

They watched on the tips of their toes to see what happens.

Lucy POV.

I stood over a glowering Natsu. A victorious smirk spread over my face.

"Weak?" I said in a mocking voice. "I think I took you down in one hit. Sure you aren't knocked out, but now you know I can take care of myself." Happy moved to my shoulder. "Don't mock my strength."

I hadn't noticed how quiet it was in the guild so everyone was able to hear everything I said.

Suddenly a clap of thunder could be heard. Everyone looked to where it had been sounded to see a young blonde man smirking like a crazy animal.

"If a weakling like this fly can take down the "amazing" Natsu Chaos Dragneel then I wonder if he lost his touch."

I glared up at him, the black mist flowing faster. I took a deep breath, steeled my emotions to a blank and looked back up. My brown eyes I knew for a fact were a dull brown. I only know because my sister, Layla, had told me what I looked like when I would do this. She said it's also how I looked after coming back from him. Layla had gone missing a couple years ago, a year before I left to find her. I am still looking, but I figured if I was in a guild I could have more access to find her. Which led to the last five months to find a guild to join.

"Who are you?" I stated.  I looked at him with my dull eyes. "If I'm being honest you look as if someone had called a cocky son of a fart, excuse my language."

Gasps were heard as I felt a warm body stand almost prospectively next to me. I turned to see Natsu had been the one to do so. Happy had moved to my arms.

"Laxus I wouldn't mess with her right now. She is really hungry! She is a monster when she is hungry."

'Laxus' had scoffed at that as I glared at the blue feline. Stupid cat.

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