Steal my heart.

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Hey everyone! Just so you know I won't be doing a lot of the events that happened in Fairy Tail. I just want to let you know what is going on. I may end up making up some things rather than follow the whole Fairy Tail plot. Thank you! Also, they repaired the guild and it's a week after it was rebuilt.

It was becoming more apparent that Layla wasn't used to using her magic abilities in battle. Her attacks were unstable and the defense was just as terrible. The only thing she could do was make things with her crystals and heal the injured.

Apparently, if she uses a bright blue crystal on wounds she can heal. Once the crystal turns white it breaks apart and the magic inside the crystal healed the wound. She can do as many of these as she wants and not lose any magic.

Of course, it has been a month since the whole uncle and father thing, so we had more jobs to go on as well as guild fights. Somehow she would get dragged in if someone took her frosting or somehow ruined it. She would get knocked out in five minutes if she is lucky.

She and I have been on an S class mission with Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Erza. Erza and I have not gotten along so well and it is because we simply don't like each other. In an alternate universe, it would be like Natsu and Gray were like best friends, but always got into fights simply because they wanted to or had the urge to. That is how I would explain my relationship with Erza. She yelled at me for going on an S class mission with Natsu and not tell her or anyone else. Claimed that I was too weak to do so. I would get angry and I would notice the black mist coming off me. I also noticed that unless I was angry enough no one else could see it. Natsu of course always was able to. He would then come very close to whenever I was angry and giving off the black mist. I think he feels better now that he has a way of

I was cleaning the upstairs of the guild as I watched Layla greet everyone. I haven't seen Natsu since he went on a solo mission a week ago. I wanted to go with him, but I saw how badly the Master needed me to clean.

"Lucy, you aren't supposed to be up here," Lisanna said. Ever since Natsu left Lisanna was nicer towards me. Well to me it seemed she was.

"Master gave Lushy permission." Happy grumbled. I glanced behind me and pat his head. He wouldn't leave my side since I went towards Uncles.

"Do you know why that is, Happy?" Lisanna asked as she held out her arms. Asking him to come towards her silently.  Happy just turned his back towards her and crossed his arms. Since he was facing me I did the same as what Lisanna did and he grinned and flew to my arms. Lisanna huffed before she grabbed Happy from my arms and held him close to her. While she pulled him from me Happy had dug his claws into my chest to prevent him from being snatched. "He is mine! Dragneel and I hatched him together when he was an egg. I named him, so he is kind of like my son."

The guild had gotten quiet as everyone watched with bated breath on what would happen. I also saw that Laxus was up here and was watching my sister rather than what was going on. I stood taller than I already had been and stepped closer to Lisanna.

"Lucy! Lisanna didn't mean anything by what she said." I heard Mira shout, which made me stop and look at the white-haired woman. "She just has a huge crush on Chaos that she holds on to the memories of her helping take care of Happy."

Happy had wiggled his way out of Lisannas hold and hid behind my long hair. Well, at least he isn't always in my arms now. Layla watched what was happening as she was talking to Gray and Erza. I walked away from Lisanna, but I wanted to tell her something.

I cleared my throat and spoke. "You know you really should consider Happy's feelings. Have you not noticed that he tries to get away whenever you are around?" With that I walked down the stairs, I was done cleaning anyway, and made my way towards my sister. In my normal tone spoke to her. "Laxus is watching you. I think you should go talk with him."

Layla looked at me weirdly but made her way towards Laxus, we don't have to be S class to be able to go on the top floor. I saw them begin to talk, but soon bicker.

"Lushy?" I turned my head around to look at Happy. "Natsu is home."

Everyone heard it and had the same reaction. They all ran around like headless chickens. Happy and I just looked excited to see him for the first time in a while. Layla just went back to bickering with Laxus.

We got up and began to get a cake we made for him out. We were so lonely we made a humongous cake for him. It's red velvet with the smoothest chocolate frosting ever. We flew it to the center of the guild and waited. It wasn't long before Natsu had quietly opened the door and was surprised with everyone hiding but Happy and I with the cake. The surprise turned to go to annoyance before he stomped his way up to the master's office. Happy looked hurt which made me angry at how inconsiderate Natsu was towards how we felt.

"Lu-Lushy?" Again I looked up to see Happy slowly descending on to my shoulder. "Did he hate it? It is the first time anyone had ever done something like this."

With that my anger was replaced with anxiety. What if he didn't like it? I sat down as well and layed my head down on my folded arms. Today I ended up wearing a black t-shirt with a red skirt because my other outfit was covered in cake. "I don't know Happy. I do know I blame the other's for not doing this for him, but they do it for others." It's true. Every time someone came back from a mission their favorite dessert was made for them in celebration. Though they would be checked in case they were injured before eating. "What if he was injured? It's not likely, but it is possible."

With that, we got up to see if he was hurt. Before we could even do that though we were met with the said person's angry face. Forgetting what I was going to do I jumped on him and hugged him. Well, I tried to.

"Cake?" He asked. We all looked at the said cake. I smirked and grabbed a handful and shoved it in his face. I laughed so hard while I saw that someone was recording this. Natsu's growl was heard, but I was having fun laughing. I was suddenly held in the air and carried bridal style. I looked up confused at Natsu. "Payback."

He grabbed me and dropped me on the cake. That's what started an awesome cake war. In the end Happy and I was on the floor panting. "Awe~ I just cleaned too."

"Your fault." I looked up at Natsu and giggled. I got up and asked for a bucket and mop. I grabbed all the big chunks of cake and put them in a bag. I was softly humming to a song I had been listening to a lot. I learned that Natsu and Happy like it when I sing. The song kind of makes me think of Natsu. Song above.

I looked towards Natsu and Happy seeing them help me clean up the mess we made. We finished and left to go home so we can get comfortable. Have I mentioned I have been staying in Natsu's home? It needed the Lucy touch. The only thing that was in the house was a hammock. I made myself a hammock seat that is also like a bed in a way.

Natsu has a big cottage. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, an attic, and a basement too. I decided to use the money that Natsu has earned over the years from jobs to decorate his house to be like any other. Of course, I'm going to ask Natsu if I could.

"Can I decorate your house?" He gave me a soft look, which is just a distrustful compared to the hard glare he always has. He made a shooing motion, saying I can. "Since it's your home can we use your money?" Again he doesn't care. "You're coming along."

That got him to look at me angrily. "No." I gave him a glare of my own, which caused a glaring contest. "Fine."

I smiled and clapped my hands together. I grabbed his arm and got a bunch of jewels to use. It took a while, but I was somehow able to make his home comfy and filled. We got queen sized beds for each room. All with dark cherry wood frames with black or white comforters. We got a big table, two coffee tables, and a few desks. We didn't need lights so we got a bunch of scented candles so we can light them up. We got a few armchairs for the living room and basement.

Basically, we got all the needed things for a home. Though it looked like we barely made a dent in his savings. I made sure we went for the sales. I used my own money for groceries. I was more willing to do so since Natsu and Happy have done so much for me already.

Tomorrow I'm ready for a mission. I don't care what it is, but I am so ready.

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I ended the voting for Layla's mate, but there is a new one.



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