Home is where you are

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Hey, I'm sorry about my horrible fight scenes, I don't like fights. I have gotten hate on my fight scenes in PM that I thought I would make a small apology and announcement that I won't try to do the fight scenes. Please understand I would do them if I can describe fights.

We had got all the needed things for a home. Though it looked like we barely made a dent in his savings. I made sure we went for the sales. I used my own money for groceries. I was more willing to do so since Natsu and Happy have done so much for me already.

Tomorrow I'm so ready for a mission. I don't care what it is, but I am so ready.

I had asked Happy if he could put the groceries away while Natsu and I arranged the house. While we did so we were quiet so I was left to my thoughts.

I thought about what I heard in town whenever we were on the streets looking for things.

Chaos. We should stay away.

No, we don't. Tamer of Choas is there. We are safe.

Oh yeah! You're right.

They make such a cute couple.

Chaos is dangerous, even if Tamer is with him.

Tamer is so ugly and quiet it's a wonder why Chaos is around her.

I bet they pity each other.

Oh no, he is glaring!

The same conversation. It got really annoying. Though I did see a few members of Fairy Tail and Layla.

Natsu was putting the couches in the living room and the basement. I was making the beds and putting the tables and desks in the rooms. Though I did leave Natsu's hammock alone since that's where he seems to be the most comfortable. I decided to leave the attic to Natsu as well as make the basement a man cave for him as well.

Honestly, I feel like a wife and mother. Which I am neither. Don't get me wrong I love being with them, but the way we act is more like a well-practiced family instead of a group of friends.

"Lushy." Happy called as I had finished with my half of the housework. Natsu was already sleeping in the living room, on the new couch. I saw just how plain and simple the house used to be. Now it looks like a house that is the perfect combination of the three of us. While most things are dark colored it looks simple and comfortable. It's opened feeling and makes anyone feel at ease. The walls and flooring are all boring and white. Maybe some wood paneling and wood floors.

"What is it Happy?" Happy had sat on the hammock I walked over and knelt down in front of him.

"I think you should move in here. You've been in the house a week after going to your uncle's and haven't even gone back to your apartment. You only go back if you need a new set of clothes."

I sat there stunned in silence. I hadn't even realized what I was doing until Happy just pointed it out. I stared at Happy then towards Natsu in wonderment. Would it be okay to live with these two? Will Natsu be okay with me being here?

I hadn't noticed that I had walked towards Natsu while I was thinking. That was until he grabbed my wrist as I was about to touch his hair. His black eyes snapped open with a harsh glare before he saw it was me. His face relaxed a bit but didn't lose his glare. "What would you like for dinner?"

Tamer Of Chaos. (New version.)Where stories live. Discover now