Back stabbed?

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Hey, guys, I'm sorry about my friend. I haven't read the chapter she made, so I hope it was good. Anyway, I thought I will spice things up a little. Since I am no good at fight scenes I figured I would make an attempt at my brother's favorite arc. The Fantasia Arc.

By the time I woke up, I instantly knew that Natsu was awake. His leg was twitching ready to get up. Lightning flashed in the room and it was then I knew this will be the biggest storm coming.

Getting up was a little hard since Happy had fallen asleep in my chest. When we got up I held Happy close as he continued to sleep the day away. "He's gotten lazy."

Natsu snorted and let a small chuckle escape his lips. A shiver ran down my spine when I heard it, he must have seen because he handed me his cloak. He put it on my head as if I was a coat rack. I gave him a blank look that told him I was clearly not amused. When we got to the main area on the second floor Natsu went to his seat and motioned to the bar.

"Root beer or a float?" Natsu held up two fingers, so root beer it is. I placed Happy on a cushioned seat next to Natsu and went through the fighting guild members. As I made my way through I saw two blondes by the entrance, I did a double take only to see nothing. Shaking my head I went ahead and made Natsu his Root Beer the way he likes it, flat with my fire on top.

I don't know why he likes it, he just does. Seeing that Mira was having slight trouble in the kitchen and I needed to distract myself from Layla, I decided to help even though today is meant to be a rest day. I grabbed the drink and took it to Natsu who nodded and shooed me away. He isn't ever going to change much, is he?

When Mira and I got the lunch rush finished she told me about a parade happening tomorrow.

"We have it every year. Though everyone is picked on who gets to try to get Natsu to join," I looked at her shocked. She called him by his first name which after my shock I smiled wider than I ever have before. "Wendy was sadly summoned for a quest so she has to miss it. I was hoping you could get him to join for the first time. Happy joins, but he throws eggs and prune juice at everyone."

"Did anyone actually ask without fear?"

"Lisanna once. Though that ended with her clothes being synched and her arm shattered. We never asked how she got it, but we knew he didn't want anything to do with the festival."

Scoffing at her I turned to face her with my blank scary face as Layla calls it. Mira flinched but forced a sheepish smile. "Should have asked. Lisanna?"

Lisanna looked at me before coming over with a huge grin on her face. I looked down to find I was next to a microphone so that was why she was able to hear me. "What is it, Luce?"

"What happened when you asked Natsu to join the festival?" She flinched at the memories.

"Well, I was raffled to ask him that year. It was two years ago, I was the first to come back that injured when I went to his table. I walked behind him and tapped his shoulder. When he didn't respond I called his name until he answered. Once he looked at me I asked him to join us for the parade. He said no, but I was determined to get him to come along. I kept asking him until he stood up and walked away. I made a huge mistake. I grabbed his muffler." The guild, even myself, gasped. No one touches the muffler and gets away with it. "He turned around lit me on fire and threw me into the bar. My arm took the damage for me."

"Well, maybe this year will be different! We have Juvia and Gajeel with us. They joined after we rebuilt the guild, but they had to take time in prison for what Phantom did. Juvia happily did and came back a week later. Gajeel was another story. He came a week later than Juvia." Mira explained with false cheer. "We also have you, Lucy."

I pointed to myself. "Me? How do I change anything? What about Layla?"

Mira and the others flinched while some glared at her name. What's going on. "She betrayed us."

Okay, now I am angry. My fire flared out and made me float. "I don't believe you."

"She faked what happened to her yesterday. Laxus was with her in the apartment and he was the one who made the male voice you and the others heard. Our team that went to investigate came back with crystals and lightning filled crystals covering them."

Lisanna bent down and grabbed a paper that had Layla's writing on it.

You don't listen, sister. Now you and the guild will pay. You don't care about my safety. Laxus told me. You will rue the day.

My hands trembled as I read the small note. My eyes filled with tears before I stormed off to the center of the guild. Standing on top of a table, I saw Erza looking amused at what was happening.

"We will have the parade no matter what. We will have fun and not let anything ruin it for us. I promise you that nothing will stand in our way of giving our best for the town and ourselves. For we are Fairy Tail and we give our all and some." With that claps were heard as cheers began. Looking up at Natsu I smiled. "And you are joining me, Natsu Dragneel."

He gave a cocky smirk and nodded his head. The guild cheered more as we began the prepping. I would have helped but Natsu took me and Happy away. Allowing myself to be dragged is nothing new, and it is getting really old. Happy just looked rather confused as he looked at Natsu.

"Natsu? What are you doing?" Natsu pointed to a float that was unmade and undecorated. "What's with the junk?"

"I think he wants us to make our float."

"Aye! Let's do it!"

With that, we spent all day making our float. It ended up being blue with holographic stars glued to the bottom of the float. On the float, itself was a huge castle, magic making it so it won't break, that had both our magic on a torch. There were connecting wires that made the "ceiling" of the castle that was of our fires. We honestly had the biggest one. First come first serve.

Natsu looked proud of the work we have done on it. We already made an agreement on Happy carrying Natsu under his cloak so he could be like a demon king. I think I'm going to find a way where I could be a dragon princess protecting the Demon King.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

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