the very last chapter

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Hey all. So I noticed you noticed I haven't updated for a while. Want to know why?

Its because this is now discontinued. Don't worry if you want more NaLu I'm sure there are better stories than this one. It's coming close to that time where my aunt died of cancer, cant believe it has been almost a year...

Anyway, I have started on a new NaLu story (hopefully I won't decide to delete this one 😶🙄😓). I have found a new love for Milo Murphy's Law (a cartoon).

Hauntingly Incredible is still up for reads. As is a few new stories, sadly I only have one other NaLu.

Yes, there will be Erza bashing (somewhat), I will try to make smut, but I am not very good at describing that type of situation.

Anyway, please dont hate me for discontinuing this. Hope to see you all again in another story!



I have a "library" of feared Natsu and Chaos natsu on my profile in case you want more of these.

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