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When we all turned around we saw two people who looked like me. They were smiling darkly from ear to ear, giving the impression they want trouble.

Natsu sighed at the sight of them and hid me behind his back. He lit his body on fire, his glare firmly placed on his face. Though he just glared at the girls with high annoyance. The look-alike me's shaking in excitement at him, only stopping when I placed a hand on his arm being replaced by disappointed scowls. His fire felt hotter than normal, but I think it was because he doesn't know where he is along with the fact he doesn't recognize the girls.

"I think we are in a parallel universe, this guy with blue hair said it being Edoles? Or was it Edolas?" In the corner of my eye, I saw Natsu shaking his head slightly. Wendy came in front of the two other blondes and asked for information.

"That blonde over there was right. You're in Edolas. We don't have much magic here, so we make due with what we have."

"She kind of looks a lot like Wendy, you know. Except smaller and cuter." Then the girls began to gossip about things hiding their gruesome smiles behind their hands as they spoke.

Forgetful much.

It was then one of the girls came up towards Natsu and tried to touch him, but she burned her hand even through her fireproof gloves. She flinched but grabbed hold of him and tried to put him on her shoulders, but she eventually gave up and began to tend to her body.

Can I just kill those two? They touched Natsu without his consent. I glared at the blondes.

"You're not our Natsu, are you," the girl who stood back said. My group shook their heads as the other two began to fight each other. "I told you, Lucy!"

"Shut your ugly face, Layla."

The Edo version of Layla and I? Great, not only am I having a hard time telling them apart, but I have to deal with another Layla. Not to forget they seem handsy with Natsu. While they spoke both tried to touch him, making his fire hotter as his anger reached its limit.

Just fudging great.

I allowed myself to be taken to someplace where the twins thought it would be safest to keep them. I don't like them. No. I don't trust them. Natsu had practically glued himself to my side as the Edo Twins kept trying to get him in their grasps. Wendy and Carla had calmed down and began to talk about how their, the exceeds, mission was beginning to come back to her. She explained that she could see a mental map in her head bringing us to the center of the kingdom.

"Wait, so your whole guild from your world is here?" Layla asked. Her appearance was a bit more visible now that her cloak was off. She wore pretty revealing clothes that looked like she was only wearing underwear. "So that must be what that huge Larcrama is then. They are planning to cut it to gain more magic power here. You all must have a load of magic in that world."

"Just shut up and help us," I snapped. My voice for once not being so quiet and not painful.

"What do you think we are doing shitface?" Edo Lucy said.

"You know if you call mom shitface that means you are calling yourself the same. So be careful on what you say to her because it reflects on you." I stared shell shocked at Happy, who had been happily playing with his tail. He now looked ready to kill.

"Yes, your greatness."

Just what did I miss? As we all got ready for bed we were interrupted when someone asked about sleeping arrangements. There where only three beds and seven beings here. The Edo Twins grabbed hold of Natsu, only to be punched by said man. He jumped on the rafters and soon his breathing regulated.

"The exceeds can sleep with me," Wendy said. The three got the bed closest to the window since that was where the exceeds flown to. Wendy disappeared into the bathroom to changed into pajamas.

"You two can share a bed." I said, now getting used to the regular tone of voice I have been using. I got the bed closest to the bathroom when Wendy came out and handed me a hair brush. Brushing her hair she began to doze off. The twins were looking for Natsu in the ceiling. "Don't worry about him, he just doesn't like people who grab at him without consent."

"Then maybe you should stop touching him," the two said together.

"Natsu-San doesn't mind Lucy-San. Though I would have expected him to be okay with you two, guess not." Wendy sassed.

Okay this girl does have a dark side to her. I picked her up and tucked her in.

I could hear the twins speaking but I didn't care so I went to sleep, soon feeling Natsu join on the bed. He didn't get under though, so I got out and fixed it so we were both on a made bed. He groaned and punched my head lightly. "Sleep woman."

"Yes, Natsu." When we woke up the twins were gone.

I knew we shouldn't have trusted them. We got dressed again, seeing that they already paid the bill, and left as quick as possible.

"Natsu! I'm hungry!" Happy whined to him. Natsu glared and Happy climbed on my shoulders and hid under my hair. "Save me mom!"

I sighed and glanced at Natsu. "You need to calm down. He is a living being like me you know. Also you're supposed to be his care giver so act like one."

Where did that come from?

Natsu glared and stalked off. I sighed and saw a moving vehicle coming close to us. When it stopped what was inside made me gasp.


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