Prompts for Chaos Natsu

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Not a chapter sorry.

So, this isn't a chapter and I apologize for the cliff hanger and not finishing this. Though, I have noticed that there are more of you writing your own #chaosnatsu or #natsuisfeared and I'm all for it.

Then again, the same theme does become slightly predictable. That's why I am here! To give you all a few ideas if you ever make your own and need/want some ideas. That way we keep everything different.

It doesnt have to be in the magic world

What do I mean? High school, gang, college, something about the real world.

Maybe Lucy is a horse healer or something and Natsu is on probation. Why? Fights, and his anger issues. The two get together and work side by side helping traumatized horses. (Idea was inspired by Heartland- a Canadian show.)

Or, instead of magic Fairy Tail is a Ninja school. No. Not like Narunto. Same concept of Fairy Tail except the mages are ninjas with special weapons/abilities that help them on jobs.

Lucy comes to Fairy Tail later than she does in the series

Maybe she was training before joining. How would her meeting Natsu and Happy change when bringing her to Fairy Tail? Does she join during the seven year gap? Maybe she bumps into cold Natsu after the Tartarus event and joins him to the first masters grave?

Or, she could come much sooner than the series. Like three or four years after Natsu Joins.

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