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When we had walked out of the Guild we noticed just how late it was. Happy said we could head out early morning to do the mission. Happy stayed the night with me as Natsu left the both of us when we left the Guild doors. 

I was falling asleep when I heard Happy call my name. I sat up to see him shaking and with tears in his eyes. I moved over and pat the spot next to my bed. "Bad dream?" Happy only shook his head no. "Lonely?"

"A-Aye. Natsu isn't ever home so it feels weird to have someone be there for me." Happy mumbled as he snuggled into my chest. I feeling of sympathy flew out of my chest. I hugged Happy close to me trying to convey my understanding to him.

It took a while before he calmed enough to fall asleep again and it took me a few minutes after to sleep as well.

Morning came soon after it seemed. I got up and saw it was about five in the morning. I woke Happy up to see if he wanted to take a bath before we meet Natsu near the forest. Happy seemed confused but flew to the bathroom next to me. "Let me set up okay."

"Aye!" I giggled and began to set up the bath and get a couple towels to dry us up. I saw Happy had gotten a blue bottle of bath salt. "What's this?"

I took the bag and poured a handful into the tub. Soon the room smelled of the ocean breeze. "Bath salt. It helps to relax you and makes you smell good. You can get in now."

I grabbed his green handkerchief to wash. It needs it badly. I put it in the washer and went to put soap in the bath. I washed the both of us up thoroughly.

"You're nothing like Lisanna or any of the other girls at the Guild." I jumped when I first heard him talking. I looked at Happy confused as to what he meant.

"What do you mean?"

"The other girls won't even let me be around them unless Natsu forces them to clean me. Lisanna is always trying to get me to come to her. She is really mean when Natsu allows her to clean me if no one else isn't around. He doesn't like her."

I watched him sadly. "You know, you can come over whenever." Happy grinned and nodded. We were done so I wrapped Happy up in a towel as I did the same soon after.

Once we were done we left the house to meet up with Natsu.

Happy and I were chatting about his new living arrangements by the time we met up at the forest. Surprisingly we were the first there. It was decided between us that Happy would be living with me by the time he and I were halfway here. I did tell him that we would have to talk to Natsu about it, but Happy said that Natsu wouldn't really care as long as he is taken care of.

"Doesn't matter. We should still get his okay. He is technically your father, so you must let him give an opinion." His big black eyes widen quite a bit before he had tears forming in his eyes. I smiled at him in comfort. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Can you be my mom?" Happy wailed. I stepped back in slight shock. "You barely know me and yet you have taken more care of me than anyone else. Both you and Natsu do."

This time I smiled gently. I pat his head in what I hope is a comforting way. He looked so hopeful and so lost I felt bad. Sure I love the little guy, but I don't want him to feel like no one else cares about him other than Natsu and myself.

Just as I was about to answer I heard a twig snap. Acting quick I moved Happy behind me and got my hands covered in their fiery magic. I glared at the other side of the forest entrance, but that stopped the moment I saw Natsu glaring at me.

"Attack if you're going to do so." His words were harsh and expectant. I unlit my hands of their magic and sighed in relief. I held a hand over my racing heart. I quickly glared at him. He only glared back.

"Don't scare me like that. I thought you were some type of creep." At this, he only walked forward with his glare hardening.

Third person POV.

Natsu walked furiously toward Lucy. Happy was watching from above a tree not wanting to get involved in whatever his parent figures were going to do.

Every step Natsu took to Lucy, her guild mark slowly was becoming black. The area around her was like a black fog coming off her. She didn't know why she was feeling so angry over something stupid. Lucy supposes it could be because she wants to feel more alive instead of the perfect doll he had made her. Just thinking of him made her angrier. So angry that the area had lost all sound and life from the energy she was making. Even Happy had a hard time staying put. His mother figure was scary. Almost as scary as Natsu.

Watching what was going on with Lucy had made Natsu stop in his tracks. Getting a taste of her delicious chaotic aura. It tasted sweet, and yet there was a hint of spiciness to her chaos. He was ecstatic that he could finally get something to fuel his magic energy quickly. He will need it for the mission. Seeing Lucy like this made him lick his lips hungrily. His anger was long forgotten and replaced by a lustful feeling.

This was the first time he ever tasted something like this. He never saw Lucy get angry before so it felt a bit new to him. Her sweet brown eyes were becoming something dangerously close to his. It excited the male. He didn't expect for him to kiss the girl.

No. It wasn't a kiss. He was taking in her chaotic energy and turning it into his fuel. He tasted it becoming stronger. He was in what they call bliss. His eyes shut trying to enjoy his 'meal', but that didn't happen because he felt her hand go against his face. It stung, but he didn't care because it made him angry.

Lucy, on the other hand, was furious. How could Natsu take her first kiss? It doesn't seem like something he would do without reason. She was regretting slapping him now. She felt his power slide into her system. His power was warm, but it stung. Her body was losing a battle. She has a good hold on her emotions most of the time, it was something he taught her. Her walls were breaking. She felt something growing in the pit of her stomach. It felt nice, yet it scared her. There was a hurricane of emotions in her that she felt like her body would crash.

Natsu was enjoying his breakfast. It was filling and it gave him a certain inside look to this blonde girl that he held against his lips. He didn't care if it looked like they were kissing, he was hungry for more of her delicious chaos.

He was going to make this his new mission. Make Lucy give off more chaos so he can feed.

Tamer Of Chaos. (New version.)Where stories live. Discover now