31: Natsu's Point of View

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I was in the process of making this chapter before I made the pause note. I'm also sorry for it being super short as well. Meet Shadow, Lucy's exceed. This book is still on pause so don't get your Hope's up. Please enjoy, also to really tick off some people who dont like me using my catch phrase because it's Miraculous themed. LET'S READ MY AKUMAS.

I growled when one of the guards tried to take Lucy from my hold, dragons are very possessive over their marked mate. My body had been covered in scales since Lucy had fallen asleep from our activities, half the reason why mates can't part from each other at all, it hurts the mates. 

I smelt Olaf, water woman and armor woman coming our way in a panic, probably worried about Lucy. The thought of them thinking I would hurt her was pissing me off, I wouldn't intentionally hurt the small slayer in my arms. Imagine my annoyance when they tried to take Lucy away from me with the looks of betrayal and fury in both the man and woman's eyes. Water woman just didn't seem to care just held on to Olaf waiting to get intel on the situation we were in.

Red had her sword out and against Lucy's neck, daring me to try and take her back, Olaf was at ready to attack if I charged. 

"We have to free Wendy," Olaf said. 

No kidding, Olaf. 

"What are we going to do about them," water asked as she gestured towards Lucy who had red pointing a sword at Lucy's throat and then to me. I growled at red in a warning to not harm her. Annoyingly she didn't pay me any mind.

Lucy won't be able to wake up because she is in a mate sleep. Only female mates go through this, Achnologia had said it was because the female has to go through the change of magic. Magic in male dragons are much heavier than the females, so the female has to break down the magic particles in order to be able to control the magic. I don't think Lucy's dragon explained such thing because Acnologia had said he is easily embarrassed by the talks.

"Give Chaos Lucy, let him protect her. Clearly something happened between them and I don't want to get in the middle of that."

Smart Olaf.

Erza refused to hand Lucy over, instead she pointed the point of her sword over her left eye. The sight alone made me pissed as I rammed my fist into her face. "Don't harm my mate," I growled.

Olafs eyes widened before he took off a moment freeing Wendy, who gave them the magic pill allowing them to be able to use their magic freely. I didn't care much about what is to happen to them, but Lucy and Happy are different.

I ran out of the prison passing the two red heads, giving them a finger as I went, and went towards who ever this king is. I heard the bimbos talking about some king this morning when they left us so if I can beat the king then maybe we can leave this world and back to Earthland.

I felt Wendy and that Black Steel following me for some reason, and it ticked me off.



I stood panting slightly, my blonde on my back, blood covering my face and body. My cloak covering Lucy and myself from what is out there. The king said something I could care less about, but Black Steel and Wendy ran off to town getting black cloaks and some type of horns.

I didn't have to do either since I already have both. I followed after the two, not knowing what else to do because I am bored.

Seeing Mysogan, or whoever that is, was telling the people about the magic being lost. He was about to explain, but I cackled evilly.

"I see my spell worked, I am taking all of the magic from this world into me." Wendy and Black Steel were scaring the audience. "If you want it back you have to fight me."

Lucy shifted on my back, waking up from the mating induced sleep. A burp exploded from her mouth, flames with blue and black stars explodes passed her lips. The sight made blueberry jump into action and begin to fight me, Lucy being smart enough to hold on to me so not to get in my way.

Instead of winning he landed on the ground, a panicked look on his face before standing back up. Red and Olaf came up attacking him, saying shit about an official fairy tail goodbye.

Really I could care less. But I don't know why I took the role as bad guy for him. Oh well. I am a bad guy.

We began to float up in the air, a beautiful gold and blue aura coming out of it.

"Their magic is coming into our world," Lucy said. My black eyes looked into her brown ignoring the looks we got. The exceeds all came forward to the sky as well.


We went back towards the guild hall that we have come to know, I tolerate it so I don't care.

Lucy was wearing my cloak to keep her warm and I flew up to the ceiling to sleep.

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