don't wake her up

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Hey everyone, my name is Lyanne. I am Savannahs friend from school. I hacked the account so if this chapter is weird you lnow why. Also Savannah is planning on publishing a book about Humans and Demons at war on Mars. She was telling me she was going to place a forum to you guys to get your OC to be apart of her book. She is debating on whether or not she should do it because she thinks she is a horrible author and no one would read it. She has the title planned out already. It will be called Dusk. Please tell her she is good enough for this.


When I wake up I didn't want to wake up as I had. I didn't want to feel my world crash on me. Just when I had finally fallen asleep I was awoken by screams and shouts from somewhere. I can't pinpoint where it was coming from though. 

A groan slipped through my lips, I shoved Natsu's arm off my waist so I could check out what happened. Almost forgetting I was in the guild as well, I tripped over the armchair in which made a huge crashing noise.

"Dragneel is awake! Quick hide! Lucy won't be able to save us this time!"

"Natsu-san isn't a monster you know."

"Wendy is right! Lucy is the monster while Dragneel is the demonic prince!"

Hearing this I flinched. Am I truly a monster? I didn't mean to kill my mother and Aunt. I didn't mean to be loud and defiant. I have a heart, right? It wasn't my fault.

I steeled myself and got up and walked down the stairs. I placed a microphone on my shirt so they can hear what I will say. My fire was surrounding my body for I was angry. Not only am I exhausted, but I am hungry. The guild is too loud, they are unreasonable and completely unfair. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but I hate how blind they are.

As I walked down the stairs I threw a fireball in the center of the guild, stray stars flying at random people. The guild was quiet as everyone soon looked at me. My shoulders were falling with my shallow breathing, eyes hidden under my bangs as I conjured up another fire ball.

When I looked at everyone they froze before trying to back away. "If I hear you guys one more time, as we are trying to sleep, I will not hesitate to fire at you all." A menacing glare was thrown at them. Everyone was silent before they shook their heads in understanding. A smile soon returned my face. "Glad to come to an agreement! Now for my second reason for coming down here. If I hear one more word from you all about either Natsu or myself being monsters, I won't throw a fire ball." Sighs of relief were heard. That was until I spoke again. "I will give a fire dragons roar."

"Told you she was a monster." Lisanna whispered to herself. My eyebrow twitched as my smile lost its hold on my face.

"What was that?" She didn't get a response in before I gave a roar at her knocking her out. I smiled and got a small snack from the fireplace before skipping back to my nap with Natsu.

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