Layla with Laxus?

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I was wide awake watching my companions sleep in the bed with me. Wendy gave soft snores as she cuddled up to Happy and Carla. Happy was cuddling Carla as she had her head resting on Happy. It was really adorable. Every time one of the two moved Wendy would move towards Natsu before going back towards the exceeds.

They have been sleeping for half an hour now, so I was becoming cramped. I had tried to get up, but apparently, my ribs are all broken. All of the younger ones here had dried tear marks on their face. I felt horrible because they were crying over me. I always hated making anyone cry because it reminded me of all the times my father and uncle would make me cry. I don't want to be the reason of the people I cared most to cry. A small roar of thunder sounded, the noise made Wendy cuddle closer to me, squishing Happy and Carla in the process. Outside it looked dark and dreary and it made me feel both relaxed and on edge.

I looked over to see what Natsu was doing, but I squealed when I saw his eyes wide open staring at me. He looked so relaxed that if I didn't know better I would say that we were home in the living room. Lightning flashed and his whole being lit up making him look so handsome and mysterious. His arm reached forward and gingerly wiped my cheek. He looked at his hand and brought it closer to look at. It was when he licked it that I figured out he wiped away my tears.


"It's nothing," I said quickly. He only looked at me with hurt filled eyes before he got up and walked out of the room. A moment later he came back with Layla and pointed at the four of us on the bed. Layla nodded and came over covering us in dark blue crystals. Immediately I felt myself healing.

"You had them worried, Lu." I looked at the door to see the bluenette Layla said was Levy. I blinked at her as I motioned for water with my eyes. She didn't understand my request, but Natsu did because he helped me drink the water.

At this point Wendy had her crystals break after turning white. It wasn't long after that the exceeds crystals did the same. A breathy yawn filled the room. Everyone turned to look at an awakening Wendy. Once she finished rubbing her eyes she saw the others staring at her she ran and hid behind Natsu. Natsu only glared down at the small bluenette, making her flinch, yet she never moved away from him. The sound of breaking crystals brought everyone to look at me.

My chest, legs, and right arm were freed of the crystals. Smiling I got up and used Layla as support. She was quick to help since she even placed my good arm over her shoulder while holding my waist. Slowly we all made our way down to the guilds main floor, where I saw the blonde guy with the lightning scar on his face again. I glared at him, but he held his hands up in surrender.

"Listen, I just want to apologize to you." I never let my glare waver, but I was noticing that Gray, Juvia, Levy, and Gajeel left the group to watch with the rest of the guild. I nodded to let him know I was listening. "In the past month, I have been meeting up with Layla, trying to get her to be on my side. I always thought she would because she was always a step ahead of me, but imagine my surprise when she chose to stay with you, blondie."

I glared. "You're blonde too."

"Whatever. Anyway, Layla started to give me lectures and showing me that I'm not just my father's son or the grandson of Fairy Tails master. She showed me she likes me for me and others do too." I glanced at Layla who now stood beside him. Her brown eyes shimmered with love and acceptance. I envy the two already. "I slowly fell in love with her and she helped me be a better person. We asked to be each other's mates."

Mates. Like pleural? I sniffed and noticed he did smell like a dragon. It's faint, but it's there. I gasped and backed away. The rest of the crystals broke and that was when I made a break for it. I ran.

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