2. Annoying the King

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"Get your ass off the grass!"

I flinch, looking up at Gideon as his arms were folded. Looking around, I saw that I was laying perfectly comfortable in my bed. So I don't know what laying in my bed has to do with grass.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I look at the digital clock, gasping at what time it was." It's fucking five A.M. you crazy man! I knew it, you were dropped. Do your parents love you?"

He chuckled, yanking back the cover as I groaned in agony. Reaching back I pulled the sheet over my head, closing my eyes tight and wishing he disappeared.

"You know, I thought I could handle this. I thought I could deal with you, but come on! This is ridiculous! How are you awake so early in the morning after everything from yesterday?"

"Yesterday?! We didn't even get frisky! All I did was show you around the house and then tried to get you in the bath with me. It was fun chasing you around the house naked. Too bad you got caught."

I roll my eyes, remembering the horrible incident.

Him dragging me back to that jacuzzi-sized bathtub. Seeing his...huge body parts. It has forever traumatized and made me wonder why God would give such...body parts to a person. Especially him of all people.

"Yeah, well that took a lot of my energy so I'm tired."

"No time for tired!" He yanked back the sheet I curled myself in, immediately feeling him grab my ankles. As I felt him dragging me onto the ground, I groaned in irritation as he dragged me across the ground. Probably giving me rug burns all over my back but I was too tired to care.

"Today is the day where I begin taking you everywhere with me. You're my wife, my prize, my Seelenverwandte. My friends must meet and see you!"

"No! If this is you I can only imagine what your friends are like! I...I can't do this!" I cry, him stopping as he dropped my ankles. Making me wince as they landed harshly, I watched from the ground as he was walking around the walk-in closet that was bigger than my parents kitchen and living room combined.

"You must do it. I'm being kind to you, more kind than I've ever been with anyone! I'm also being very patient. Please," he crouched in front of me as he laid down an outfit on top of me,"don't piss me off."

"I don't care if I piss you off." I say, and he smiles.

Watching him walk to a pair of Gucci shoes that almost looked like Adidas Superstars, I saw him come above me. The shoes plopping onto my face and I gasped it landed on my nose.

"Get your ass up and get ready." He hissed, walking away and making me roll my eyes.

Don't know who he thinks he is. Dropping a pair of shoes on my face...such love. I don't care if he shows me love or not, but if we're married now I'd expect some respect.

Putting on the clothes I realized that this guy had nice style. Tight, gray capris along with a tight white shirt and the Gucci shoes. Brushing my teeth, I saw him walk into the bathroom, he was holding a cup of coffee as he set it in front of me.

"Is that logical, to bring me coffee? I just brushed my teeth." I tell him after I rinsed my mouth out." Besides, brushing my teeth wakes me up."

"I brought this for you to apologize. I was in the wrong to drop those shoes on your pretty face. I just...I'm not used to being disrespected so much."

"Get used to it." I snap, walking around him as I leave the room. Hearing him behind me as I went down the stairs.

Feeling him grab my arm, I looked over my shoulder at him. His expression looking hurt as if I was messing with his feelings.

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