55. Unavoidable Future

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I smirked down at Alaric, seeing him look up at me shyly. I glanced at the baby monitor that was placed in Hiroto and Sana's room, seeing them fast asleep. Hopefully everyone else in the house was because I wasn't going to shun away from sex anymore.

Tomorrow we go on this silly camping trip that Gideon set up, though I'm pretty sure he missed the point of camping. I didn't tell Damian that he basically bought a house that was in the middle of the woods, so I guess it was something. It is sad really that we've come to this point.

Having to go to this place all for Jun's safety. I wish he went back to being the kind kid who was cautious - what happened to the Jun I heard such good tales about from Damian? He has changed so much...I blame Sorrel - the end.

"I just don't want everyone to hear us." He whispered, and I snort at his whispering.

"No one will. These walls are soundproof...I believe they are. I haven't ever heard anything from Gideon and Damian's room - and I know they do the dirty on a daily. What's wrong with us getting a little dirty?" I ask him, leaning closer towards him as my lips hovered over his.

"We are in someone else's house. I would understand if we were in our house - but this is...pushing it - right?" He asks me, and I snort. I hugged his neck, sighing as I felt his cock between my ass.

"You say that...but you're hard as can be. Your body gives you away so cruelly." I snicker as I pull back, seeing him looking all shy again. "Alaric you weren't like this when we first met. You actually...were just as insistent as me to have sex."

I see his hands cover his face, and I begin to kiss his fingers. Grinding my ass against cock, I try to part his fingers from his face. He still tried to hide his face, though his lower body was responding just fine. He ground back against me very deeply, making me chuckle at his honesty.

"Alaric you are acting like a virgin...too shy to show themselves, but their body gives away how they feel so shamelessly. You being embarrassed like this only makes it more shameless - not that I'm complaining. I didn't know you had this cute side to you; so shy...makes me want to monopolize you." I smirk, pulling away from his face.

He finally removes his fingers from his face, and I rise off his lap. I take ahold of his cock and align it with my hole. That's when he actually grips my waist softly, sitting up now as he seemed to be getting out of his shy state.

Feeling him help me sink down on his dick, I actually blushed because I was becoming embarrassed. I could feel his size raising in my pelvis, and I chewed my lip. I took a deep breath as he started to press my body to his. The both of us practically hugging one another as I began to feel him move my body.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, chuckling because I was starting to become shy now.

"I...I forgot how big you are." I chuckle awkwardly, and I heard him chuckle back. "This is a little embarrassing. Now I feel bad for teasing you...you had every reason to be embarrassed."

I tried to keep my moans at a minimum, but that became harder the more faster he became. My hand clamped over my mouth, only for Alaric to suddenly slam me flat on the bed. I saw myself looking up at him and he smirked down at me, pulling me even closer to him as he grabbed ahold of my legs.

"Why are you trying to cover your mouth? I thought the walls were soundproof?" He mocked me, and I flinched when he gripped my hips. Feeling him yank me hard against his cock, and I cried out very loudly.

Embarrassing myself because I lied about the walls - how was I supposed to know if they were really soundproof or not?! I became nervous because Alaric looked amused by my exclamation, and I groaned.

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