45. King to King

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"How do you feel about how everything went down?" Kenji asked me as I stood by the microwave, Titan's milk being warmed.

I look away from him, just feeling...

"Indifferent. It went the way I wanted, but in the end Evander had to be a bitch and try to end things his own way. I'm just happy I get to visit Gideon today - I was tired of waiting." I say truthfully, and I still haven't told Kenji about the plan Gideon whispered to me.

While I thought about it, I wondered if he wanted me to act that way for the dark blue Range Rover. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, but I still wonder who was inside. It could be anyone at this point.

Except I'm going to do one last plan that I feel like will work with me. I'm not saying this to be cocky since the last one worked so well, but I think this one will work just as well. I wasn't allowed to visit Gideon for almost a week, and on the third day of not seeing him - I am allowed to now.

Maybe for things to die down I guess. All I know is that I need to figure out a way to distract everyone so that I can leave.

When the microwave beeps, I smile. Titan's milk should be able to be the right distraction if I do this right.

"Alaric have you ever fed Titan before?" I ask him curiously, knowing he hasn't.

"No - no I haven't. Would you let me?" He asked nervously, and Kenji smiled at his nervousness.

"Of course he would! Alaric it is honestly the cutest thing! Titan looks you in the eyes and his fingers like to cling onto one of your fingers. If you remove your finger he'll get upset and stop eating altogether...it's so sad - but cute." He gushed as he grabbed the bottle of milk from me, taking Alaric's arm.

"Kenji why does it sound like you tease my baby?" I sneer at him, his face flushing out of nowhere.

He shook his head, and pulled Alaric away from me.

"Damian I don't tease precious Titan! I'm not a monster!" He cried, and I shook my head at him as I knew he teased him. When he went into the room I grin.

That's when I go to the door, opening it quietly. I didn't hesitate at all as I left the room.

Leaving way too easily, I leave the hotel as I go to the car. As I did I had to stop myself from smiling as I saw the dark blue Range Rover not too far away.

I get inside of the car alone, and Samson looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Where's Kenji? Alaric? Your son-?"

"I'm doing things differently. Just go, please." I beg him, and he sighs. Though he ends up going on. I was thankful Samson listened to me...trusted me?

Maybe because he felt like he didn't have a choice.

As he drove out of the parking lot I looked over my shoulder to see the other car now following us. I face forward, and grab the gun that I left in here. I knew I shot four bullets...three on Evander - one on Nicolás. Now there's one more - just for Zeus.

I find myself smiling, and I wasn't surprised when my phone went off. I answer it, hearing Kenji yell at me in Japanese.

"Are you done Kenji?" I interrupt him, and he groans.

"You knew how weak I am to Titan and you used that weakness to get to me... What are you trying to do?" He questioned me nervously, and I stayed silent on that question.

"Kenji all that matters is that I'm finishing things once and for all." I say, and I smirk as I saw we were near the hospital. I wasn't afraid to use a gun anymore - doesn't bother me whatsoever. "The truth of the matter is that I am not afraid to kill Zeus. I'm tired of this shit-."

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