84 | Zeus Pt. 1

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"If I'm being honest, I thought you didn't like me."

I stood beside Tashi as we stood at the door leading to Zeus. I was kind of surprised by how much time we honestly wasted just driving to this house.

Tashi was speaking with someone through the intercom and his voice was a little familiar. Maybe this was Amor's grandfather - therefore Zeus' older brother.

"It's not that I didn't like you. You and your brother just didn't leave a very positive mark when I was a child." Tashi states, and I heard the voice snicker.

That's when we see the door open.

I was amused that it was somewhat easy to walk in. I'm not sure if they know who I am, but I hope not.

My dad is already here. He comes inside at a later time.

As we began to walk inside, I saw the man that I haven't seen in years. He was at Henry's funeral...so I take it this is his dad.

"Tashi you didn't tell me you brought a guest." He chuckled, and Tashi shrugged as if it was nothing.

"I didn't find it important to. Where's Zeus? Titan wants to barter with him." Tashi lies through his teeth, and I had to stop myself from smiling.

He even seemed to flinch when he heard my name. Though he did nod and suddenly narrow his eyes on me.

"You want to speak with Zeus?" He asks me as if he was making sure.

"Yes. I don't want to share a group with my father any longer. He's hidden me for too long and this should be the time I show what I'm made of. By taking down the person who's most powerful." I lie straight through my teeth, and I sigh in annoyance. "It really is aggravating to be compared to him. Because I'm not him - at all. I want to be better - and I take it Zeus desires to see his fall as much as I do."

I watch as another man leaves a room, a smirk on his lips. Having dark brown hair, but with white strips from age. I was told Zeus was dirty blonde...

I saw Zeus for the first time and I wanted to kill him...so bad. Just the sight of him made me sick.

But I had to remember to keep character...despite my desire to kill him. That was my father's job.

"Did I hear correctly?" Zeus questions me as he started walking towards me.

What I could inference was that all that running from people did him dirty. Because he looked...horrible. As if he was on the brink of collapsing; and this time I didn't feel bad at all.

I...I hoped he'd collapse.

"You heard absolutely. Whatever you think you heard - it was right." I say to him, smiling as I see Zeus just look at me.

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