4. Tattoos with the King

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I walked through the house, opening the blinds as the sun came through and began to wake me up. Already have brushed my teeth and Gideon surprisingly still asleep, I take this chance to do what I want.

Going to the kitchen, I make myself some coffee. Wondering if I should be nice and make him some. Deciding I would because I'm a nice person - sometimes, I make him some. Seeing some vanilla creamer and putting it in mine.

Once I finished I went upstairs and walked in on Gideon standing at the balcony door. Looking outside and not knowing that I was behind him.

But while I stood here I saw his tattoos on his back and arms. Intriguing me as I never saw them before.

Walking towards him, I press the cup to his back and he flinched. Looking over his shoulder at me as I smirk in content.

"What was that for? I was minding my own business and all."

"I know that. I brought you coffee."

He raised his eyebrows, but shrugged as he took the cup. Without even blowing on it he just took a gulp. Making me wonder if that burned his mouth at all because it sure as hell would've burned mine.

"Want to watch the sunrise with me?" He asked, walking to the doors as he opened it. A cool, refreshing wind flying inside as it made me feel better. It kind of leveled out the hotness of the coffee.

"I mean...why not."

We both go outside, seeing that there was chairs outside and I sat on one. But he leaned against the edge of the railing, sipping his coffee as he just watched.

But I was truly shocked right now. He wasn't trying to make me do anything or wasn't annoying me. He was nice and it wasn't bad being out here with him like this. At the moment at least.

Relaxing almost for me, I just looked at his tattoos. Wondering what they were for. I don't have any tattoos so I guess I can't say I can relate to any of them.

Three skulls and a dove...a necklace with VIP tags on them. A cross in the center of his chest. Those are the main ones I'm attracted to.

"What do your tattoos mean? What's so important about them?" I ask, Gideon glancing at me as I stood. Walking towards him as I stood beside him and faced him.

Watching him eye his shoulders and arms, glancing back at me with contempt.

"Point to the one you want to know mostly about and I'll explain it's symbolism for you." He says, making me chuckle as I find myself biting my lip. Trying to find one that interested me the most.

Looking at him from under my lashes, he grins as I rest my finger on the skull with the flames coming out of his head.

"What's with the skull? Why is there flames coming out of it's head? Is it supposed to be someone?" I questioned, making him chuckle as he shrugged. Laying against the railing with his back and facing away from the sun. Almost as if he didn't want to tell the world his secrets.

"The skull is to resemble my enemies. Means whoever crosses me and thinks they can hurt me in the process, I'll take them down. I'll capture them and set them ablaze. No one comes between you or me. My friends are important, but not as important as you are. So if anyone tries to hurt you, I'll set them on fire. I'll set the world on fire for you."

I suddenly feel my cheeks become warm, looking away as I try to hide it by rolling my eyes.

"What if I cross you? Will you set me on fire?" I ask, making him step near me as he smirks.

Arranged to the Mafia KingWhere stories live. Discover now