76 | Truth Be Told

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"Never did I ever think I would get the honor to speak with...Gideon and Damian's son. Aren't you unusually handsome..." Are Mateo's first words to me as I we sat in a bar together.

I wasn't drinking, but he gladly was. Which was good for me because I could get the information I desired if he was drunk.

"Titan you don't want to drink anything?" He asks me curiously, and I show him my glass - of water.

"I'm not twenty-one, I will stick to my water." I state to him, and he just chuckles in amusement.

"You and your father are so different! He didn't give a fuck about rules. He went by his own rules at your age and had his way with any man or woman - preferably man. Are you...anything like that?" He asks me softly, leaning towards me.

Except that's when I see Amor finally sit behind him. His eyes settled on mine and I don't make it obvious that he's here.

"I had two girlfriends, and one true lover. I lost my virginity with that one lover and he's my everything. There's too much at stake in sleeping around so carelessly. I have no interest in having sex with people like that - especially people who slept with my dad first." I hiss at him, and he smiles in amusement.

I saw Amor rest his elbow on the counter, looking at Mateo with disgust. It was evident to me that Mateo doesn't know about Amor - or if he does, he doesn't know what he looks like. I at first didn't want to bring Amor with me, but I needed to get him away from papa's negative energy.

He is...insanely rude and sarcastic and basically acting worse than my siblings. My dad seems used to it and handles it well. Not me...it's strange.

"Your dad slept with anyone who wanted it. Do you think you are like him-?"

"I know I'm not anything like him in that...area. Bringing up the past proves to me that you haven't truly moved on. It's so sad, really." I shook my head, mocking him at this point. "That you are in your forties and you still haven't gotten over the past. Would you hold such a grudge that you'd hold onto Zeus just to get back at my dads?"

I saw Mateo's expression change from amusement to being completely disturbed. His hand reached into his pocket and that's when Amor reaches and pulls the gun from him.

He looked at Amor in shock, looking back at me.

"You brought some kind of guard with you? Are you afraid I would kill you?" He snaps, and I take his cup of alcohol.

I found myself sniffing it, my eyes burning from how strong it was. Though when I look back at Mateo he saw he was trapped.

"Just answer some things for me. I need to get this done before a new generation starts." I say, and Mateo snorts.

"I'm not saying shit-."

I toss the alcohol in his face, seeing him gasp as he tried wiping it from his eyes. No one bothered interfering and the barman looked entertained.

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