42. The Start for the Kings

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Gideon and I walked into the cathedral side-by-side, him pushing Titan's stroller. My eyes focused on the blond head that prayed before the cross.

I nod at Gideon, and he nods back. Seeing him signal off the others as they got the cue. I walked forward, going on my knees beside the man.

Clasping my hands together, I saw a rosary dangling from his. I sigh, closing my eyes.

"What are you praying about?" I ask him, and I heard him shuffle. I open my eyes and saw one of his eyes open.

"Is that any of your business?" He retorted back angrily, and I grin.

"I mean, I suppose not. I see you're Catholic, I'm not - I'm Christian."

"Aren't those the same thing?" He interrupted me with annoyance, and I smile.

"Only ignorant people would ask such a silly question." I answer for him, and now both his eyes were open.

I saw him finally realize who he was talking to and he flinched, looking around me. I already knew he was looking at Gideon, and he met my eyes again.

"I hope you're praying that all things go well. Just work with us about Zeus - that's all-."

I saw his hand rest on his pocket, and I click my tongue.

"We are in the church. A nice one at that. Don't ruin such a nice, calming atmosphere. You pull that on me, I think my husband would love to meet you." I say happily, and he glared at me.

He ended up calming down, and he faced forward. Eyes becoming downcast as he realized he was trapped.

"What do you want to know?"

"I know you're related to Zeus, but remind me in what way-."

"Cousins. Why is that important?"

"Because it tells me how loyal you are to him or not." I snap, and he chuckles. "You think that is funny?"

"Yeah, I do. There is no loyalty from me, he has done nothing for me but be a pain. Why do you think I'm here? He's only making our group look bad because he dropped everything to become allies with Evander. Now everything is a mess, because he's too distracted on killing you-."

"What if I said Gideon and I could help your group?" I ask him, and he frowns at me.

He looked around me again, and went back to looking at me.

"What's the catch? I know there's more to it than this. No one is in charge of the group, so it's a mess."

"Let us intrude. What we get is your full cooperation and loyalty. Anyone that is faulty in their loyalty - becomes quite acquainted with Gideon - or me. I've been much more involved." I smile at him, making his eyes narrow on me.

He sighed, standing up as I now looked up at him. That's when he nodded, and I stand with him.

"Fine, but I wouldn't count on them accepting so easily." He seemed to be warning me, and I smirk.

"I'm not worried. Follow me." I say, and I walk back to Gideon. We stand before him as he closed one of the Bible's instantly, smiling.

"I see things have gone to plan." Gideon snickered, and I still didn't know the man's name yet. "Luken I am grateful you accepted our help. I already took over another group, now it's this one's turn-."

"Wait! Please don't do our group like how you did Lulu's." He cried, and he frowned at him. "Unlike Lulu's situation where it was just him, Zeus has siblings, cousins, uncles, and aunts-."

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