46 | I am Titan

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|Titan King

"I like you."

Those are three words that I've heard often. I prefer to stay away from relationships because they aren't realistic - especially in high school. My parents gave me the chance to go to a normal school and keep my profile secret, so my name - Titan King, isn't well-known in the area I'm in.

It's best for it to stay that way. I prefer to keep to myself and avoid the petty confrontations of high school life. I have one person I consider a friend - who has been around me all my life. He was told to be my personal guard when we were kids - and has stuck to that...not recently though. I care about him dearly - like he was one of my siblings even! Though this close friend of mine is complicated to say the least-.

"Amor I told you this yesterday, I cannot reciprocate your feelings." I tell him as I go back to reading a classic, Pride and Prejudice. I look back up at him, my glasses falling down the bridge of my nose in doing so. "You know that I am-."

"Not attracted to men, I know." Amor groaned, the both of us walking to school since being dropped off by a chauffeur wasn't on the down-low. "I think you aren't being opened up enough."

"I really am Amor. I just don't find myself looking at men that way or having any inclination in doing so." I say truthfully, and I stop in my tracks. I turn around and look down at him as he had a pout upon his face.

I tried to force myself to think about a relationship with him, but I couldn't do so. I've only had two serious relationships, both were ended because I wasn't open enough. I tried my best to turn Amor's positive attributes into attractive ones that could make me want a relationship with him.

Though I soon failed as I looked away, shaking my head.

"I truly tried to make myself attracted to you, but couldn't Amor." I confess, going back to reading.

"You can't make yourself attracted to someone. I just don't understand why you don't at least find me handsome or appealing in a sense."

"Amor - on the contrary - you are very handsome. Though I say that doesn't mean I am attracted to you. Men that are able to admit other men are attractive is a step towards maturity on their part." I state very confidently, and I knew I'd probably bore him with my speech so I stop.

I seemed to have a tendency to bore people when I spoke. I wasn't one for...really talking to others or making friends. I like to keep to myself and just be quiet, not draw too much attention. Amor...is the exact opposite of that.

He was told to be my personal bodyguard, but sometimes I find myself being that for him.

"It's just...Titan I've liked you for so long. It just seems fair that you give me a chance." He tells me, and I completely try to hide my displeasure.

He says these things, but yet he can't stop himself from being with others. I have only been with two people, he's been with far too many for me to pay any mind to. They never last so I don't bother remembering their names, but I know he is very...focused on sex.

I've never seen him with the people he's supposedly in relationships with, but I hear the rumors. The rumors have a tendency to come back to me since Amor is with me the most and they...are hard to hear. Especially when the men he dates seem to not see him as a human, but as-.

"I won't give up... I do have a date tonight though." He reminds as if I wanted to know this information.

"You are going on a date tonight, though you confess your feelings to me? I feel bad for the man you are seeing." I chuckle teasingly, folding the edge of my page as I put my book away. "Amor you are very complicated."

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