29. Aide of the King

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"So this is where you've been."

I look over my shoulder, seeing Gideon walk towards me. When he sits beside me outside I face back forward. A little annoyance kicking in out of nowhere.

"Why are you hiding away from everyone?" He asks me, and I narrow my eyes at him. "Is it still about your parents? I say you just talk to them-."

"How do I talk to them? They let me down and had very selfish intentions."

Gideon nodded, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Pulling me against his chest, he held me to him gently.

"All they got was money and minuscule fame. They aren't apart of the family tree and they don't have my surname. So in the end, they didn't really win anything-."

"Doesn't matter though! They still gave me up for what they could get. Then they go and adopt - foster these children. For what? So that they can arrange them off to other people too?!" I snap angrily, and I push Gideon away.

Staring at one another, I began to wonder who's fault it really was. Was it Gideon's since he went to them and asked for the marriage in the first place. Or was it their fault since they had a choice to deny, but didn't?

"I don't know if I should blame you or them now." I mumble, and Gideon snickers.

"Look, when I went to their place I asked if I could have your hand in marriage. I just wanted a yes or no answer, but they were the ones that brought up what the benefits were. What would they get out of giving you to me. They wanted silly things and they wanted my last name, which I will never give them. They arranged you to me for a price, and I paid it. So now it's up to you on who's fault it is." He explains to me in a harsh tone, which put me off.

I decide not to say to him what I was going to say.

"Then how come when I first met you you were such a bitch?" I ask him, and he raises his eyebrow.

"I don't think I was. You were the one who went about it horrendously-."

"Of course I would! My parents arranged me to a 'Mafia King' without any consideration for my feelings! Of course I would be angry and upset and go about it 'horrendously'! They piss me off." I sneer in irritation, shaking my head wildly. "I want to leave."

Gideon shook his head, lying back in the seat.

"You can't leave just yet."

"Why the hell not?" I snap at him, and he frowns at me.

That's when he sits up, his eyes narrowing on me.

"Watch your tone and mouth. I'm not your parents, so don't talk to me like I am. Lost your damn mind." He shook his head at me, and I sneer at him.

"I don't want to be here!" I yelled, and I don't even know why I was yelling now. "You are making me mad!"

"Then say bubbles. Don't yell either, it'll bother the baby." He said calmly, his eyes closed at he leaned back in his seat.

"Bubbles? Is that all you can ever focus on?!"


I fall silent, just staring down at him. He just laid quietly with his eyes closed, as if my anger didn't bother him in the slightest. It...intrigued me.

"Fine." I mumble, and Gideon's eyes open.

"Are you done now?"

"Yeah." I mumble once again, and he smiles at me. "What's to smile at?"

"I know you will have swaying mood swings so...I can't aid in your swings. So now, I will just sit and let you do whatever." He states to me, and I roll my eyes... Whatever works for him.

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