19. Lessons With the King

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"You are very confident that you know what you're doing." I state to the creepy-looking man. His eyes going onto mine in irritation it looked like.

"The rumors are true, you don't know when to shut your mouth." He snaps, standing up as he glared at me. I already knew he wouldn't do anything to me because he was dealing with Gideon. The fact that he put me up for ransom is interesting to me.

I know you only put ransoms up towards people that are important. He knows I'm important to Gideon and I know he is doing this on purpose. It's the only way he can recognition in the mafia world I suppose.

"Isn't this ridiculous though? You know you're going to die right?" I ask him, making sure he knew what he was up against. "My husband is Gideon King, the King Mafia? You are digging your own grave dude."

He avoids looking at me, and I could tell he knew these facts.

"Who even are you? I come to Japan and have a good one day, the next - I'm being held for ransom. You didn't do it very slickly either. He saw you yank me into the car and I saw you drive away from him. Until you suffocated me until I passed out." I remember, shaking my head. "Why are you holding me up for ransom?"

The man sat back down in his seat, his eyes wandering onto me and quickly moving off.

"My group is enemies with the Hayaidoragon-kai Yakuza. I've gotten reports that in order to slow down what our enemies are trying to do and their business deals, I have to capture you. Gideon is impossible, I would've never been able to grab him. You seemed easy enough, I also heard you're fucking annoying - so don't annoy me."

Once he told me that, I didn't believe him for a second. We were doing stuff with that group, and Gideon never told me what...but I know it wasn't this. This was too abrupt for that to be the cause.

"You're lying."

"Shut the fuck up? How would you know?" He yells, and I groan in irritation to how loud he was being. I could already tell that when he gets mad his whole face turns ugly. "You need to learn what respect is, boss was right. You don't know what fucking respect is."

Instantly, as soon as he said that, it all clicked for me.


"Your boss sounds like a bitch I met once." I say, and I watch the man gasp. "Goes by the name of Mateo, looks like a loser, talks like he has something up his ass... Does that sound familiar?"

"Do not mock my boss you idiot! Have respect for those of a higher position!" He said to me and I shook my head.

Why is Mateo doing this to me? I know it's him. No one else cared about respect like that, but him. Now I was pissed off even more.

"I'm a King. I'll always be of a higher position, you know that." I say, and fold my arms. I've been here for too long, even though it was two hours. It just irritated me that I could see the clock and the time going so slowly mocked me.

I didn't understand the reasoning behind him doing such a thing. He must really have an agenda towards me to do such a thing like this.

As I sat here, I saw the door fly open. Revealing two men in suits in front of me. They moved over and I see the bitch, Mateo.

"I knew it was you." I hiss, and he glared at me.

"I know that once Gideon sees what you're capable of and him being without you, he'll leave you. He's suffering and I can't have you in his life." He said, and I shake my head.

"That's not up to you! We were doing fine, until your ugly ass had to interfere like a bitch." I snap in his face and he sneers at me.

That's when I see a man walk around him, and I see a knife in his hand. Not sure what to think of that, I just began to scoot back.

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