15. Makeover For the King

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"Um, excuse me?"

I glare at the blue-eyed man that was all up in Gideon's face, the both of them looking at me in confusion. Gideon remained the same while the other dude grinned.

"Yes? Is there something you need?" Gideon asked me, having to control my eyeballs from rolling.

"Who's this and why is he all up in your face?" I question as I head closer, realizing that he was holding tweezers. At that point I became confused, raising my eyebrows.

Gideon saw me realize and he chuckled, standing up as he wrapped his arm around the man's shoulder. That's when I realize he was shorter than Gideon and me. Not used to such a thing I just keep my mouth shut - for once.

"This is Peyton, I had him come here to give us both makeovers because in a few days we are heading to Japan to meet Kenji. I won't say why yet, but let's just say I think you'll be excited." Gideon told me, and I snicker.

"I highly doubt it, but I like Kenji so I won't detest the idea." I say, noticing Peyton stare at me in shock. "Is there something wrong?"

I see Peyton shake his head no quickly, and I look at Gideon as he gives me a thumbs up.

"Gideon I'll play makeover, when do I start?"

"Now." Gideon nodded, pulling away as he sat on the couch. "I will gladly watch it all be done-."

"No, you won't. Go away. This is time for me to become a new person with my makeover and I can't do that with you watching like a creep. Goodbye." I say, and I see Peyton stare at me gobsmacked.

Gideon stood, folding his arms at me. Once I watch him disappear upstairs I suddenly hear Peyton release a breath I didn't know he was holding.

I just watch him try to catch his breath and I didn't know what to think of such a thing. He was truly struggling before me and I became entertained by such a thing.

"What are you doing?"

"He's just so attractive, I can't concentrate around him. I was just taken aback because I heard rumors of him being married, but I never saw his wife...until now." Peyton confessed, looking at me nervously.

"Yeah...it wasn't my choice."

"Is that why you aren't wearing your wedding ring?" Peyton asked me, and I shove my hands into my pockets.

"It's not cute to be nosy." I snap, seeing Peyton divert his eyes. "Besides, I guess it's best that I don't have it on. A little breather for my finger."

I never realized that he never gave me back the ring. So that means all this time, he has yet to give it back to me. Now that Peyton mentioned it, I can't get it out my head.

"Okay, so I would like to ask if it was okay if I can dye your hair brown." Peyton told me, and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I mean, my hair is dirty blonde. What's the difference?"

"Everything. It'll look better if I dye it. One subtle tone will suit you better. Japan is a very traditional country and - not that I'm saying your dirty blonde hair is accepted but - brown hair would suit you better there - to me. Especially the parts you're going to. Gideon wanted me to dye your hair blonder, but...I'm not doing that." Peyton explained, and I chuckle at Gideon's stupid request.

He thinks he knows what's best for me or what looks best for me, but he's way off. Evidently, based on what Peyton just told me he suggested.

"Yes, please don't dye it blonder. I'll look like a Ken doll if you give him his wish. Brown please." I grin, walking with Peyton to a room that I didn't even know was in this house.
Completely decked out and had all types of stuff in here that anyone who wanted a makeover would approve of.

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