50 | Inappropriate Behavior

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"What...what the hell is this?"

I showed Amor the five rules I made, and he looked disgusted as I showed it to him through the glass while he took a shower. He looked at them with bored eyes, sighing.

"These rules are important because I can't avoid you anymore...I rather do this than you go risk yourself for others. These rules are important for you and me, so be considerate of them." I tell him, and he shrugged.

"Whatever." He mumbled, turning away from me as he went back to taking shower. I left the bathroom with a proud smile.

I go to my bed, sitting on it calmly. I had myself reading over the rules myself.

1. Lips cannot contact under any circumstances.

2. Never speak about events to others.

3. No foreign objects (toys) can be involved.

4. No intercourse.

5. Do not fall in love.

I sigh, the last one was for me unfortunately.

I know when it comes to offering pleasure to others and or receiving, feelings can brew. I believe I'll do just fine, but you never know. It frightens me almost.

I genuinely don't want to be disrespectful - not under any circumstances will I be disrespectful to him. I'll have to really practice face.

Standing up, I go lock the door because the last thing I need is someone walking in. It was highly unlikely since it was late at night, but that isn't enough sometimes. I can never tell how late some people in this house go to sleep. Especially my siblings with their erratic sleep schedules.

I look over my shoulder as I see Amor leave the bathroom - though he didn't have a towel on. It's not like I haven't seen a male naked before so it didn't bother me. In the locker room there are times when you'll see males naked so.

He smiles at me, sitting on my bed with his bare bottom.

"Umm...can you sit on your bed?" I ask him, making him frown at me.

"On my bed? What's the difference?"

"There's a big difference actually. Because, you know, I sleep here - eat here." I chuckle awkwardly as I grab his arm. I pull him off gently and he ends up sitting on his bed now. I lift off the blanket that was laying on my bed, putting it in the hamper now.

"I just got out of the shower. Don't be dramatic." He laughed at me, but I don't believe I was being dramatic.

I go to the bathroom, washing my hands. I could hear Amor laughing at me as he slammed a bottle of...lube on his dresser.

"Titan you're so sweet. Washing your hands for me, it's really not necessary." He shook his head, but I shook mine back as I dried them off.

"I don't care. If I was in your place I'd want someone to respect me and wash their filthy hands. You never know where they've been." I state to him, and he stays quiet by my response.

I walk out the bathroom, going to the lights in my room. I turn them off, Amor flinching as the only light entering was the moonlight through the open blinds. Now I just walk to Amor's bed, sitting beside him.

My mind went to the memories of what I've done for my exes, making me a little bothered. Thinking about past events...to suffice Amor.

"You really care about me." He breathed, and I chuckle as I push his shoulder down gently. He laid flat on his bed - and I laid on the side of my body beside him.

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