48 | Rules Make Friends

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"Titan you have been awfully quiet."

I look up from my book again, seeing Nolan smirking down at me. Her lips were pursed at me and she waited for me to say something. Except I just grin at her, not saying anything.

"I know you Titan...you are hiding something when you're this quiet." She whispered to me, and she nodded over at Amor as he slept on the couch beside me. His body curled up under a blanket - him not even finishing his homework. I may have to do it again for him if he doesn't do it.

I also need to be wide awake for later. I don't know how late this Oscar person is coming...but I need to be cautious. Need to Amor near me at all times so that he doesn't let anyone near our house.

"You are just assuming things. There's really nothing I have to say - did you do your homework?" I ask her, and she smirked.

"Of course I did. Unlike Amor, we don't fall asleep on the job; but isn't that what makes him so cute?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow, making me snort. "That was a serious question-."

"I know. That's why I did that." I chuckle at her as she went to Amor. Her fingers beginning to go through his hair as if he was a dog. "Personal space, remember."

"I know, I just don't like listening to you. You know, I have been a little bit nosy." She bit her lip, and I narrow my eyes at her.

"How have you been nosy Nolan? Please, tell me how." I say sarcastically because I already know she likes to play these little mind games. It was better I didn't say anything.

She suddenly snatched my book from me, making me remove my glasses as I now had no point of them. When she snatches things from me there was no point in asking for it back - she'll give it back when she wants.

"Amor has been very naughty, huh Cassian?"

I look over my shoulder as I saw Cassian rush in, a big smile on his face as he held Amor's phone in his hand. I tried reaching for it - only for Nolan to sit on me. Now I didn't bother because I couldn't slam her to the ground. She knew I wouldn't do that either...

"I was able to unlock Amor's lucrative password and guess what? He has been texting a lot of people. Does an Oscar ring a bell?" He asked me, and I look away. "He does. Look at him - avoiding to answer the question."

"It's none of your business. It's also rude to go through people's electronic devices without their permission." I scold, making Cassian mock me as I roll my eyes. Nolan and him ended up running away and I got up, chasing after them.

I could already tell they knew and it was bad enough that they were running to our dad's office. When I was able to grab Cassian's body - Nolan ended up helping him as she took it from him. Her continuing to run forward as I groan, setting down Cassian as I go after her.

It doesn't help that in the process of me running I accidentally bumped into papa, seeing him slam onto the ground. Nolan started to whistle as if I was dead, Cassian stopping to help him up.

"Titan what's going on? I haven't seen you run around the house ever since you were younger." He stated, snickering as Cassian ran away from us. Heading after Nolan, that's when I knew I was dead... Wait - Amor would be dead, I guess...

"It's so aggravating." I groan, and I lean against the wall sadly. I see papa smirk at me as he patted my shoulder. "Those two are so nosy."

"That's their job, to be nosy. Besides usually their nosiness doesn't bother you - what's different about today-?"

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