71 | The New King

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"I still feel a little violated." I groan as my dad kept going on about what Amor and I did in the hotel to my siblings. We were in Greece now to celebrate this...Psofimis person becoming the new leader of his group. I've honestly never heard of them, but I'm happy I get to go. This is when I get to prove myself to my dad...that I deserve to be the next King.

We were in a carline basically as we were getting closer to their house. There came a point where I was seeing people get out their cars and I didn't know who they were... I actually didn't know any of them.

"Dad do they even know who I am?" I ask my dad - a little bit nervous.

"Of course they'll know who you are. As soon as you walk out that car - all eyes will be on the upcoming King. Everyone will want to know you because you've been hidden from everyone. I can't wait...for them to gawk at what is mine." Amor murmured to me, and I smile at him. My arm around his shoulder and I kiss him.

"Can you two stop? There are children here!" Cassian cried, and I roll my eyes when I pull away. Amor licking his lips shyly as my siblings were immature ass-wipes.

"What Amor said is right though. Everyone important is here and all they've been waiting for is you. I've hidden you for as long as I can and now is the time to show them what's up. You leave the car last - to build suspension." Papa tells me, and my dad agrees with him.

That's when we arrive at the entrance, and my dad gets out first. I see papa grin at me, giving me the thumbs-up. Except I became nervous as I saw how many people were outside. Them all watching my dad in awe - everyone truly honoring him.

When he helped out my siblings people were clearly waiting for something in particular.

That's when I dig in my jacket pockets and pull out black leather gloves.

"Titan what's with those? Are you going to do something?" Amor asked me quietly as I slipped them on.

"I need something to stand out...and these will definitely help me do so. With you on my arm too, we'll be the main event... This will be my trademark - I've decided." I inform him, and he smirks.

"That's hot." He whispers, and I smile at him. That's when I realize I have to get out.

I let myself out of the car and I didn't miss everyones gawking. It almost made me nervous as I fixed my jacket, and grin at those I can. I was surprised to get grins back, expecting some cold reactions. Though I turn around and stick out my hand.

Amor takes my hand and steps out. I bring his hand to my lips, pressing a kiss upon it. His face turning pink so fast at my actions. Causing me to smile as I link arms with him and face everyone, my dads looking impressed.

"You really caught everyones attention now Titan." My dad tells me as we stood in the middle. The doors to the party were closed and I wondered what we were waiting for.

"What's the name of the party boy?" Cassian asks papa, and before he could respond some dudes started to walk up. My dad smirked as he suddenly started to pull papa and my siblings away. I realized he wanted me to speak with them - even though they looked like stuck-up jerks.

I wouldn't be friends with them by choice - ever.

"Are you Titan King? The man we have all been waiting for?" A man asked me, I took note of his almost sloppy, slicked-back hair.

"I guess so. I'm sorry - I don't know names. Can you inform me what they are? I'm Titan King, and this is my soon-to-be-husband, Amor." I tease, and I saw Amor blush. They all chuckled at my words, and they all cleared their throats.

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