5. Baby Fever for the King

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I stare at Gideon in shock, seeing him holding a baby as he spun her around in the air like she was airplane. The girl cooing happily as a bright smile was on his face and I was beyond shocked.


He stops, looking at me as him and the baby cooled down. Seeing her cute mini pigtails and him waiting for me to say something.

"Do you have a daughter?"

"Ha! No!" He cried, laughing as the baby began copying him. Seeing him squeeze her baby cheeks and having her squeal." It's my new baby sister, Trinity."

I frown, confused because I thought he was just a single child with issues.

"So...Trinity King?"

"Yep. Apart of the King family."

"So she'll be just as crazy as you?" I mumble, making him narrow his eyes at me." I mean, she's so cute. How old is she?"

"Twenty-six months. So two, technically. My dad just recently got married three years ago and as a result had my little sis."

Walking towards them, I sit down and he sits next to me. Confused for I bit I wanted to know where his mom was. What happened to her?

"What about your biological mother?" I ask, Gideon shrugging as he tickled Trinity to giggles.

"My dad killed her."

I flinch, watching as he shrugged as if it was nothing.

"She was apart of a mafia group that was trying to take us down. Supposedly he let her live and tried working things out with the other group, but she ended up trying to assassinate him. So it was him or her. Of course, he chose her. So I was four and motherless. Amazing story, huh?"

I look at him in shock, wondering if he's serious.

"That's your mother."

"I know. I'm not dumb."

"You don't...I don't know. Resent your father for doing that?"

He snorts, slamming the picture down as he rolled his eyes.

"My dad means the world to me. If I had to choose between him or her, I'd choose my dad. He made me into the person I am today."

"Eww." I sneer, making him roll his eyes." That is so repulsive and gross. Your father sounds like he'd kill you, that's how broken his heart is."

"He wouldn't kill me. I'm a more evil, younger version of my dad. I'm not afraid of him whatsoever..." I hear him drift, having me frown but I didn't ask anymore questions.

I just extended my hands, him handing Trinity to me as I held her. Surprised to see that she had the exact same eyes like Gideon. But there was purity and innocence...sadly they'll probably take it away soon. It's sad to think about it but it's not like I can do anything.

"Do you care about your sister?"

"Duh. I'm just surprised my dad is trying to have another child. He said he was a one-kid kinda go. Guess not." He shrugged it off and kissed his teeth." Besides, guess I need this. This helps me for if I want a child of my own."

I raise my eyebrow, rocking Trinity in my arms.

"I'm a man, remember. Can't make babies, my legs are closed just for you." I state, actually closing my legs since the both of us were man-spreading.

"No, I want them wide open."

"No. They're closed. Forever." I correct, having him snicker as Trinity giggles." Right Trinity? Your crazy brother thinks he can get to me. Never!"

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