34. Hurt Feelings of the King

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"Damian? Am I missing something?"

I look, gasping as I saw one of my best friends from high school, Alaric. I found myself smiling as I go towards him, hugging him.

"Alaric I have to admit, it's nice for me to see a familiar face after a while." I confess truthfully, and he snickers. I see him push his glasses up the bridge of his nose and it made me realize something. "Did you lose weight?"

Alaric nodded with excitement, smiling as he flexed his arm before me.

"Yes I did! If I'm going to get the ladies, I needed to lose that baby fat. You always got the girls, it was so unfair..." He groans, and I snort. "Oh! Your...ex told me you ghosted her basically. Sent her message that you were done with her and moved on. Is that true?"

I sigh, because I never was able to tell her the truth. I'm guessing Gideon took that into his own hands.

"Yeah...I didn't send her that message though, my husband did." I confess, and Alaric raises his eyebrows at me. He didn't seem to believe me until I showed him the ring on my ring finger, causing him to frown.

"This is new. I didn't know you liked men-."

"I don't - at all. Gideon is an exception. The whole mechanics behind our relationship is pretty wild, and I can't really explain." I tell him honestly, and Alaric nods.

"I mean...okay? This is new to me. You basically disappear off the face of the earth for almost two years. Your parents were of no assistance and insisted for us to leave you alone, that you are living your best life... We thought for a short period of time that your parents murdered you." He explains to me everything, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

To see an old friend was odd. I became so used to just having Kenji as a friend...I forgot I have friends in the normal world. Unproblematic friends that are completely chill and it's okay to go to a bar without worrying about being shot.

"You know what? I want to meet this awesome husband of yours. I'm genuinely curious! Do you mind? We need to start hanging out again, I'm still single like a bitch... Since your married it shouldn't be a problem that you help me find the one... What do you say?" He asks me, and I smile.

"I actually like that. We need to go to the club where only certain people are let in. Those kind of clubs are the best for the people you're looking for." I state, and I was unsure on how Gideon would feel if I brought a friend to the house...

I highly doubt that it'll be a problem. He says he trusts me, so this a good test of his character to see if he truly does.

"Okay, come on. You're going to come and meet him." I say, and Alaric begins to follow me. We end up going to the parking lot and he shows me where his car is and I saw the car Gideon gave to me that has a driver...

I didn't want him to see that. Because that only puts more into question of who I really married.

"I'll ride with you." I say quickly as I saw the car begin to head towards me. I push Alaric as he kept asking me questions, but I wasn't saying anything. Once we got to his car I looked over my shoulder and saw my driver give me a questioning look.

I signal for him to just drive home, and he narrowed his eyes at me. Though he did listen to me as he left.

Once I was in Alaric's car I sigh in relief, looking as I saw him look at me with a frown.


"Are you hiding something? Why are you so on edge?" He asked me, and I shrug as I put in the address to my house on his GPS.

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