47. Nothing Changed After All

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"Isn't she pretty in blue Titan?"

I was crouched before the crib that Titan once laid in, seeing him squeeze himself inside with Nolan. His eyes on her, full of love as he stared into her eyes.

"She very pretty."

I look at Gideon, seeing him still crying as Kenji rubbed his back kindly. Trying to calm him down, I knew he wouldn't be calming down. He was too in love with this scene - as was I.

Though Kenji's twins, Hiroto and Sana tried rushing towards us. Alaric holding them back as they kept screeching to be able to see Nolan.

"Daddy down!" Sana screeched at him, and he ended up picking her up as he held a more calmer Hiroto by the hand. I felt bad for him almost because he looked like he wanted to collapse on the ground.

Kenji looked completely entertained by the sight, and I was thankful my kids were calm.

"Alaric it's okay, they can come see her." I tell him, and he shook his head.

"They don't know how to not touch." He groaned, Hiroto pouting as he looked upset by his words. "If I let you two go will you keep your hands to yourself?"

Hiroto and Sana nodded, and that's when he let them go. They ran right to the crib and looked inside, their eyes staring down now. I wasn't worried about them hurting Nolan, but at their age they don't know their strength.

Titan was three years old, Kenji and Alaric's twins were going on two. When I looked at Amor he grinned shyly at Nolan, his father - Henri gazing down at the two of them.

"Titan do you know that the onesie Nolan is wearing - you once wore?" I ask him, and he shook his head fast.

"How can it fit her?" He asked curiously, his hand beginning to caress her face slowly. "I once this tiny too?!"

"Oh, you were tinier." I hear Gideon say, him walking to me as he went on his knees before them. Sitting on his legs, he looked down at me with big smiles.

"Me tinier?" Titan sat up fast, and I became cautious as he rocked the crib a little.

"Yes. Now you are growing very well. Nolan is a little bigger than you, but not that much." Gideon told him, and that's when I guess Hiroto thought he wasn't getting enough attention.

Because he tried climbing into the crib and that upset Titan as he tried pushing him away. That upsetting Hiroto as he smacked Titan - who instantly went quiet when he got hit.

Out of nowhere we see Amor just smack Hiroto on the head, and he instantly screamed. Running away, Kenji looking in shock as Alaric chased after him. I wasn't surprised that he did that, but Titan was the one who really surprised him.

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