83. Much To Unfold

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"Papa I asked of you to not tell dad - I wanted to tell him." Titan groans in irritation as Gideon pulls him aside from everyone. Amor was with him and he was fully aware now.

"Titan you need to be more understanding of where your papa is coming from. I don't appreciate hearing the things you said and did to him."

"Dad all he has to do is forgive. I don't understand why this is being blow to such proportions!" Titan sneers, having a glare be directed towards me and I wanted to smack him in the face.

He doesn't get it. He was my baby - and still is my baby. If only he saw what I went through and having him...be placed in harms way because of Lulu - pisses me off.

"It's not that simple Titan - what is wrong with you?" Gideon snaps at him, and Titan folds his arms.

"How so?"

"You're honestly being very stupid. I am disappointed in you for treating him like this. This is serious...and your siding with the person that almost killed you and papa." Gideon sneers at him, and I see Amor honestly look troubled.

He looked at Titan in shock as to how he could be...such a idiot! In my opinion he was being one.

I know I can be dramatic at times and such, but this time I have a right to be. I can't help but be extra protective of him because I...

I found my eyes watering just thinking about how he was once so tiny. He was my tiny baby that needed me. He couldn't protect himself from the evil people that wanted to see the worst come for him and me. Now his...dumb-ass can't even see that.

"Damian are you okay?" I hear Amor ask me in worrisome, and I already knew I was crying. I felt someone's arms wrap around me, and I believed it was Gideon - knowing him...he knew why I was in this state.

I still see Titan as my once tiny, precious baby. Who needed me when he couldn't protect himself.

When I pull back I saw it was Titan hugging me. Everyone else wasn't even in the room anymore. At the moment I wanted to hit Titan for how he treated me...


"Titan you don't get it." I shove him away from me, and I saw him sit down on the couch. "You were born weeks early and I...wanted to die because I felt like I did something wrong. Why did you have to suffer for the first few weeks of your life? I had to watch you through plastic basically. You being kept in an incubator and I couldn't hold you in fears of jeopardizing your body.

"When you were finally able to be let out...all I wanted to do was protect you. Because you were not an average baby - and I'd be lying to you if I said you were... The time your life was most in danger was not when you were in that incubator. It was when Lulu wanted to see me hurt and in pain. He placed you in harms way and beat me mercilessly. My head was hung over a balcony and he strangled me - telling me to enjoy hell. While I held you in my arms and you shrieked for me because I was trying my best to protect you - not myself..."

I felt my lips begin to tremble, and I saw Titan's own eyes watering. I saw his hands shaking and his arms opened wide for me. That's when I went to him and basically sat beside him. Him hugging me as I hugged his body, almost clinging to him.

It reminded me of how much I cling onto him when he was a baby. This tightly...not wanting to let go. He used to be wrapped in embrace. Now I'm wrapped in his...

"You broke my heart Titan..." I cry, and I hear him crying too.

"I'm sorry papa... I just wanted to get this handled and completely cast aside the truth. I ignored the fact that what you went through is traumatizing...I'm sorry." He apologizes, and I pull away as I cup his face in my hands.

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