82. "Oh...Lulu~"

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"Papa I want to talk to you, genuinely."

I see Titan practically desire to speak with me and I didn't know why. It didn't really matter to me, but with everything going on this was surprising.

"Okay... About what?" I ask him, and Titan practically pulls me away from everyone. He took us to his room and it was becoming weird when he closed the door, locking it.

When he faced me I saw this nervousness across his features. It made me wonder what he did now. For all I knew he could be hiding something bigger than the both of us.

I couldn't imagine such a thing, but I wondered...

"Titan what did you do?" I question him one more time, and he groans. Almost as if he's twelve again and I had to ask him multiple times to tell me what he's done wrong.

I folded my arms when he rushed to his bed and threw himself on it. Shielding his face from my view, I knew this was serious. What is he feeling guilty about now?

"I want...you to be very open minded papa, please." Titan starts off, and I raise my eyebrow. "I don't know how you'll take this...based on how past circumstances were; but people can change."

I felt my own chest become tight and I couldn't help but feel like I knew what he was getting at. I had to stop myself from becoming too angry because my emotions are haywire.

"Titan just spit it out." I snap, and he finally looks at me.

"I spoke with Lulu and I think he can be a key factor in solving this problem... I also think he's changed papa - truly." Titan states to me, and I just look at him.

Right now...I wanted to strangle my own son; but I had to curb that desire. I just smiled at him and he already knows I'm upset.

"How do you know the password?"

"It's...it's easy to guess." He mutters, acting all shy now. "Papa he really has changed. I know the past is ugly - but trust me...I also think he likes me-."

"Oh, even worse-!"

"As a friend. He likes me because I'm not judging him for how he once treated my very own parents. The past is in the past-."

"It's not that simple. You don't know what he has done. He tried killing me all for your dad. He couldn't get it through his thick skull that he's mine - not his - mine! For you to talk to the one person that made my life hell...I feel betrayed!" I yell at him, and Titan stands up as if he was done talking to me.

I wasn't done as I went to him and shoved him back onto his ass.

"You aren't walking away from me Titan." I snap, and he sighs.

"Papa it was eighteen years ago. He messed up and if you were to speak with him - he'd apologize rightfully so. He's changed." Titan tells me calmly, and I shook my head.

"People like him don't change." I hiss.

Titan suddenly stood up, and he shoved himself from around me. Shocking me as he truly looked upset with me, I for one didn't appreciate the shove.

"Who are you to say someone can't change? Tell that to Amor and Jun and Sorrel and you for that matter." Titan sneers at me, and I glare at him. "I changed too, dad changed as well. Who's to say Lulu hasn't done the same? He's been in that hell hole for eighteen years! I think all that time alone can really change a guy."

"Or make him worse."

"Stop being so pessimistic." Titan snaps, and looks at the clock. "I don't have time for this. I wanted to tell you because I know how things are...between you two. Because I have an idea that can get Zeus to us if we let Lulu out. Lulu can be what changes things-."

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