70 | I Want You

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____a year later____
|Amor 🔝

"We're so proud of you Titan!" My family shouts around me as I left the school - the last day of the year. I smile at them as papa hands me a bouquet of lilies.

I take them, hugging him as I pull away soon after.

"Thank you guys for everything. This year was...very enlightening." I chuckle as I see some friends that I made this year. I wave goodbye to them, looking back at my family. "Have you all heard?"

My dads glance at one another, and my siblings looked at me as if I was withholding some big secret. Cassian coming close towards me and pulling me down.

"They are playing dumb...dumb-dumb." He whispers, making me roll my eyes as I push him away.

"Have we heard about what?" Dad asks now, and I snicker.

"Let's just go - I've waited this long." I smile, and we start walking to the car. I was honestly amused because now I've gone a year without Amor.

I don't want to say I've gotten...used to it, but that's what's happened. I know he'll come some time today or contact me. It's not like I don't miss him - of course I do.

I've just stopped being impatient and just calm. Especially as I made friends at school - they helped make it easier even if they didn't know the situation...no one did.

As we get all get into the car my siblings asked me what I'd do now.

"I'll start pursuing my future occupation...being the next King of the Mafia. Isn't that right dad?" I say to him, and he nods as he starts driving.

"Actually we will be flying to Greece for an upcoming celebration for the Psofimis group. Yes...times have changed. There are new groups that skyrocketed to power. We are number one - and it's near to impossible for any group to surpass us...unless either one of us is killed. There are the top five groups and you should be meeting the other four at the party. The Psofimis group is sixth, but still." My dad informs me, and I was happy to hear that. "They're sons already took over the group, you'll be next soon enough."

I smile in excitement, appreciating such a thing.

"What do I have to do to earn it? Kill someone? Solve a crime? Beat you in a fight?" I ask curiously, and I hear my dads laugh at me.

It was awkward because...I was serious.

"What do you think this is? I was made the leader of the group when I was seventeen. How? Because my dad wanted to see me fail basically, but when I didn't - I only made the group greater. I'm giving it to you if you can show me you deserve it at the Psofimis party. Prove it to me." He says, and I nod seriously.

"I will most definitely prove it-."

I flinch as I look at my phone - looking at the message. I saw a picture of our car passing from Amor and that's when I gasp.

"Stop!" I yell, my dad stopping instantly as everyone looked at me in shock. I got out the car onto the side of the sidewalk.

"Titan what is it?!" Nolan yelled, and I smile. "Eww...never mind, go on. Get your man."

I laugh, running back. Because we already passed the trains - the place Amor and I went to a lot to go to school. We'd take the trains...

As I ran, I realized I still held the flowers. Trying not to drop them as I ran across the street, completely disregarding the oncoming cars. Though when I was across I saw the train station.

The more I ran I started to look for him. Stopping at the entrance, I look around others. People leaving a particular train and I had to wait for it to clear up.

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