18. Turn of Events With the King

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Gideon and I stood in the hotel room, our eyes on each other. He looked like he wasn't sure what he could do and it entertained me a bit.

"What...what are my limits?" He asks quietly, and I shrug.

"Right now, I'm not thinking about limits. Just...go ahead." I tell him, and he frowns.

"I can go ahead and...?"

"Yes." I nod, and he takes a deep breath. That's when he rushes towards me and presses his lips to mine. Kissing me hurriedly, I feel myself be shoved against a wall and gasp.

He had his eyes on me the whole time and I felt nervous by the lustful stare he gave me. I already knew I'd either hate what was to come or relish in it. I was unusually looking forward to the possible outcome. What could he possibly do?


"Hmm?" I hum, and he sighs shakily, and I could see the erection that was towards me.

"Tell me when I can go. I'm afraid I'll frighten you if I do it whenever I'm ready." He murmurs shakily, and I chuckle.

I cradle his face, and kiss him. When I pull away I nod, taking a deep breath.

"I'm ready-."

As soon as he scooped me up in his arms, I already knew I was in for it.


I had my hands over my mouth to stifle the cries of pleasure that wanted to leave my lips. Feeling my tears stream down my face, I had to control myself from succumbing to the pleasure of feeling Gideon's cock inside of me.

It wasn't what I'd ever thought I'd be doing. The fact that I was having sex with him, and liked it!...told me all I needed to know.

His hands grabbed on tightly to my waist as he slammed inside of me quickly. My body not used to being placed into such positions, I felt it beginning to resist. Except I felt him press down on the arch of my back and I gasped instantly.

"Wait - wait!" I cry out, becoming embarrassed as I felt even more pleasure than before. He didn't stop once as all I felt was his hips rolling back. When I felt him thrust back inside slowly and lusciously, I heard myself let out a loud moan.

I already knew I came and it didn't help I felt him come inside me as well.

"Damian I can't stop myself, I'm sorry." Gideon apologizes breathlessly, and I look over my shoulder to see him pulling himself out of me. Literally once he was all the way out I could feel my hole have a whole different shape.

I knew I was perfectly fitted to his size and it was more than just big.

"Why are you...apologizing?"

"For what I'm going to do next."

I watch him grab my arm and lift me up onto my knees. Slamming me into the headboard of the bed, I felt him thrust back inside me. Except I realized that he was going slowly and easing his way inside.

Already, I moaned in pleasure to how good it felt. Only pressing into the headboard for him to wrap his arms around my hips. The both of us easing down until my body pressed to the bed and I felt his lips kissing the side of my neck.

His arms pulled me closer towards him and I felt our bodies mold to one another's. Just to feel his hands caress every part of my body and then feel his lips kiss every part as well, it almost began to make me frustrated.

Even though he was offering me this blissful pleasure, I couldn't help but think about the others he's had sex with. They experienced this euphoria of emotions and that irritated me.

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