56 | Shōdai

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|Takeshi 🔝***

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|Takeshi 🔝

"Hello Titan."

I stood before my half-brother as he grinned at me. I didn't know what to feel as I saw him...it's been some time - actually.

We were supposed to have those sessions with Thomas on Amor...they were supposed to work. We couldn't even go to the next one because suddenly something comes up here. My parents are lax on details...and it's worrying to say the least.

There was so much abruptness to this trip that it kind of frightened me. Everyone was here and watched the both of us quite intently.

"Hi, Jun." I say now, and he chuckles. "I'm sorry. I just don't understand why were here. I'm still confused."

I look at Amor, seeing him look at me as if he was nervous. Though he stood behind me as if he was trying to protect the back of me. Even though we were in Jun's home surrounded by his trusteed guards.

"Has dad not filled you in?" He asked me in concern, and I shrug a little bit. "Does Zeus ring any bells?"

"It does for me!" Nolan chimed, and he smiled at her.

"That's good. I believe our parents could've possibly said something, yes?" He asked to make sure, and we all nodded. "I see...okay. That's good than. Ah, here."

I look, seeing Jun hand me a pouch full of yen I believe it was called - Japanese currency, name wise.

"Why don't you and your siblings, along with Amor go shop for something?" He suggests, and I suddenly see Sorrel walk into the room.

It was kind of surprising because I honestly didn't expect him to greet us.

"Titan you should go out and familiarize yourself. Also, I came down because Kenji and Alaric called for Titan specifically." He tells me, and I look at my parents cautiously. Though they didn't look worried, papa actually began to have a decent conversation with him.

My dad and Jun spoke as if they were catching up, and then there was me with that task in mind. I sigh, turning as I was going to leave.

"I'm coming with you." Amor says as he grabs my arm, and I grin at him.

"Amor, actually, can you stay here? I would like to talk with you."

We all hear Jun say, and I became nervous instantly. Amor looked surprised too, but I was the most afraid. I had a feeling what he was going to say to him. Because Amor's fathers' birthday is coming up...

"But...what about Titan?" He asked, and my dad nodded.

"He'll be okay, this is needed Amor." He states, and I already knew that what I thought was correct. I hug Amor now, pressing a kiss to his temple as he looks up at me in shock.

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