14. Body Betrayal because of the King

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"I can't believe you actually took me here." I chuckle, looking at Gideon as he kept on walking forward. Not telling me exactly which part of the park we were going to.

Since we were back in Germany, lots of memories were resurfacing. I suppose I was happy to experience them again, slightly; but, it still didn't seem right.

We weren't kids so it seemed oddly different, yet strangely familiar.

The further we walked on along this cobblestone path, I suddenly saw us walk upon grass. Soon standing in this interesting spot that suddenly flooded me with euphoric memories.

I stand in the middle of the park, remembering the memories I used to have to this place. A smile growing on my lips to Gideon truly bringing me here.

"Interesting that you brought me here, truly. It's kind of...nostalgic." I mumble, glancing over at Gideon as he smirked with content. Could already tell he was becoming slightly cocky.

"Of course! Remember when we were kids here? This exact spot is a special memory - for me at least." Gideon told me, a smile growing on his lips. "Remember it? I'd be honored if you did."

"Yes, I do remember, actually. You practically called me your best friend and told me if I had your back, you'd have mine. Practically made a promise to always have each other's back - no matter what." I stated, folding my arms in entertainment. "Considering we made that promise, it's ironic where we both are - together - now."

Gideon shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets quietly. Staring on with a blank expression that confused me.

"We were just kids...kids that were certain of one thing and now...we're here. Kind of breaks my heart how now...we're just thousands of miles apart. We won't be back to what we used to be until either I keep changing; or, you open up your heart to the possibility of me being in love with you and you in love with me." He explains softly, my eyes widening in shock to his deep words.

I could already feel my face becoming red with embarrassment because I truly had no words. Could agree with his first option and say he needs to change.

Except I find myself thinking it's not necessary. He has come very far from being the Gideon I first met, to now. I can't say I'm mad at the person he is now...it's just his occupation I guess.

"I mean, I could possibly open up my heart to that possibility," I go on, seeing his expression brighten, "It's just so...different though. I put myself in this state that you'd never change and that you'd be this horrible man that I need to hate."

Suddenly I see him frown at me, folding his arms as if he was pouting. It seemed to be that way until he genuinely looked hurt.

"I'm not done though. You've shown me that you obviously...really want to be with me. It's nice to know that you'd be willing to change some aspects of yourself for me. That's how I know I can depend on a person like you - somewhat. Just because I say this stuff doesn't mine I'm easier to control. I'm still Damian, still difficult, still clever, still me. I won't quiet myself for you, you know." I tell him, not afraid of what he could possibly say.

Could already tell by his expression that he had something to say to such a thing.

"That's perfect! Why would I want you to quiet down and change for me? I hate when you interrupt me, but besides that-."

"You don't like when I interrupt? Not sorry." I tease, seeing him chuckle at my actions.

"Yeah, besides that, stay exactly the way you are. If you changed who you were...you wouldn't be the person I fell in love with. I'd have to fall in love with a whole new person if you change. Not that that's a problem," He murmurs, coming towards me as he pressed a sudden kiss to my cheek, "I'd fall in love with whoever you chose to be. Anything you are, I love."

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