44. Let Me Protect My King

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"Are you certain this will work Damian?" Kenji asked me as I gave Titan to him. I nodded as confidently as I could, and Kenji saw right through me. "If you aren't positive you shouldn't be doing this-."

"It's confirmed that Evander is here. I...I don't know where Zeus is - that's why you and your group will surround the house so that no one can leave. Just trust me on this-."

"The last time you asked people to trust you, you got your ass whooped. If Gideon finds out I helped assist you in something completely contradictory to Planen Titanius-."

I press my finger to my lips, and Kenji just sighs in irritation.

"Gideon won't find out because I'm doing this as quickly as possible. I'm not any wasting time. You should've seen him when Shawn told him about everyone going against him, hoping for his demise. The fact that he's even in there by himself is worrying." I groan, and Kenji suddenly digs in his pocket.

He hands me a silver gun, and it looked...a little different from other guns.

"This is a hand cannon. There a five bullets inside so use it precisely-."

"Wait, do I have to hurt somebody?" I whimper almost, and Kenji smiles awkwardly.

"I mean...if you play your cards right, you won't have to hurt anyone. Just...don't think about it. Just think about all the other things they've done and how they've hurt Gideon...their time has come to pay." Kenji said with no remorse or emotion.

I looked away from him and hoped that was the case.

"Fine. Just...stay out here surrounding their house. I'll do this right." I nod, and Kenji nods too. With that I head back inside of Nicolás' house and I knew despite it being the early morning, they most likely were awake.

I was surprised yesterday when Nicolás invited us inside of his house as if he hasn't done anything wrong. It just showed me how evil they really were. There wasn't any guards in the house and not once has Evander showed himself.

I don't expect him to, but it's known he is within the place. Nicolás house is in a secluded area that is far away from all people. If you were to find his house - you weren't looking for it.

As I go upstairs, I look inside of the room Gideon was sleeping in. To my surprise he was still sleep and it made me wonder if he really was sleeping. I didn't sleep at all...

I lock the door from the inside, closing it. That's when I turn and let myself walk around the house.

I didn't know where exactly I was going, but I knew I had to figure out exits and places to not get trapped in. Just on the second floor alone I found myself looking inside of rooms that just told me Nicolás was more of a playboy than a mafia person. Maybe he was just spoiled.

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