66. Who's the King?

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Gideon and I walked alongside one another on the pathway. His hands folded behind his back as I saw he was thinking deeply.

"What is it Gideon?" I ask him, and he looks at me now.

"For the Shōdai family...I feel like we aren't going to get Zeus from them." He tells me, and I raise my eyebrow.

"How come?"

"Because. Zeus has a tendency to run when things get suspicious and hard. I want to see him crumble and be destroyed! I'll never be over what they did to you seventeen years ago - I never forget." He hissed angrily just by recalling past deeds.

Gideon has been holding this grudge for all of Titan's life. Not that he made it obvious to them. When the kids couldn't see it he still worked his job diligently - if not more cruelly.

"Well, Lulu is gone - his group is now yours. Nicolás' dad sympathized with you and is still allies with you, and everyone isn't against me anymore since I made up for it by taking down the most prolific crazy man...your dad." I drift only for Gideon to not look bothered by such a thing.

He only chuckled, nodding in agreement to my words.

"He already signed his death wish just by messing with you. I didn't need to kill him - I knew you would." He says casually. "You don't get a thrill from beating the wrongdoers senseless anymore."

"Oh I still do Gideon! What do you mean?!" I cry, and he smiles at me. "I've just been so caught up in Titan's love life. We're his parents and should be giving him advice...but he seems to march to the beat of his own drum. You know what I'm tired of?"

"The back and forth and his confusing behavior?" Gideon names off - and I nod in irritation. "He's just a teenager. I mean...I knew what I wanted from the very beginning."

I narrow my eyes at him as he wraps his arm around my waist, licking his lips. He stared down at me all lusty-eyed and I had to look away before something happened.

"Yeah - he did too once... Now he's not only easy to annoy, but he is nonstop calling Amor. I kind of thought he wouldn't stick to it, but it seems he has even more so. Amor wants to answer so badly...he sounds good," I smile, looking up at Gideon as he had a proud expression on his face. "He sounds much better."

"That's a good thing. Did he tell you about him wanting to stay there for a whole year, but to also complete Senior year there?" Gideon asked me, and I shook my head. "Yep. I was intrigued by his words, but I didn't object. Never once did I think I'd be on different sides."

I was a little disappointed in Titan's...immature thinking. Gideon and I didn't raise him to be naive and a pushover. Everyone knows Gideon never once allowed Titan to be pushed around.

He tried teaching him combat and how to know your situations. Except when we did this - when Titan was thirteen - he just tried saying how these scenarios were unrealistic and how they'd never happen.

In the mafia world anything can happen.

Gideon was disturbed by his behavior, but still tried his best to teach him things. Though it seems all of that logical thinking has left Titan's head.

"Cassian and Nolan don't think the way he does. Did we raise Titan a little...I don't know...gently?" Gideon truly questioned aloud - and I had to stop myself from snorting.

"I don't think we raised him gently at all. He developed his own thoughts and mindset. He's the one that decided to behave and act the way he does. We have just kept him away from the dark sides of the mafia world - on your request. If I remember correctly...you wanted to protect your precious little boy from all of the evils of the mafia world. You definitely did alright. He only knows the bare minimum, so...he's soft - like play-dough." I explain to him, laughing at myself for calling my oldest son play-dough.

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