1. Marrying the King

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"I do."

Smiling the fake smile I've come to perfect in the last year, I nod as I take hold of the mans hands I have to marry. My nails that I've managed to grow out as weapons digging into his palms, his eyes narrowing at me but his smile doesn't falter.

"I do."

Two, three years ago I would've never believed that I'd be standing here. You could've been from the future driving a flying car and I still probably not believed you.

Has my life truly come to this? Marrying a sicko named Gideon King. A man that has now taken hold of his father's dangerous group, because of marrying me. Me marrying him just tripled how truly dangerous he is...

"You may kiss the bride."

With him leaning towards me I pressed my finger onto his lips. Causing gasps and his eyes becoming daggers as I tried not to roll my eyes.

"Why ruin the sweet moment with a small kiss when it's obvious I want more? Don't want to...cause a scene." I smooth, some laughing and Gideon smirking. With him still coming towards me, his lips rested on my earlobe and his hands gripped my waist tightly. Making me wish I could knee him in the balls, but the last time I did that his crazy bodyguards almost crushed me to death.

"Nice save. So you wanna be like that? Du wirst es bereuen." ( You'll regret it ) He hissed, making me wish he didn't know my language of German.

So you're either wondering how I got in this position or that he's crazy. The last one is simply true and the first is completely ridiculous. It was only a week ago and I'm already marrying a man I know barely about.

All I know is that he's part of the Mafia - the strongest one in the business, he's crazy in the head - has to have been dropped a few times, and that this is an arranged marriage.

I don't like men whatsoever and this guy is insisting I'm his Seelenverwandte. ( soulmate ) Again, has to have been dropped.

A week ago it was like all the normal Fridays. Wishing to go home and lay in bed and wonder what my Saturday would be like. But this Friday was obviously different.

I drive home and am met with three jet black Escalades in the driveway. Not knowing what I was walking into, I walked into the house and saw Gideon - who I didn't know at the time - sitting in my favorite chair.

My parents surrounding him, offering him food and pampering him better than they've ever pampered me. You don't see my parents coming to me and asking if I want to eat in the living room! If I ever ate in the living room she would've snapped at me. You spill KoolAid on the rug once!

Walking towards them, the guy looks at me as if I was his girlfriend or something guys cherish. Cologne or their girl or even their dicks - guilty as charged.

Seeing his pearly white smile, he stood as I looked up at him. Realizing how tall he was, I glared into his black eyes as the pupil blended into the iris. My eyes going to the tattoos curling up his shoulders, hiding the rest from me.

With his dark brown skin and bulging muscles, I eye the diamonds on his ears. Scoffing at him, he raises an eyebrow at my action.

"You didn't tell me your son had a new attitude." He murmured, and I flinched as he grabbed my arm and yanked me against his body. Surprised to have him press himself to me and feel his hand on the low of my back.

Instantly this feeling of disgust curbed and bile rose in my throat, pulling away as my knee went up and kneed him the balls. Causing him to not flinch, but his eye began to twitch immediately and I found myself plastered to the ground by three guys.

Arranged to the Mafia KingWhere stories live. Discover now