Author's Rules (Please Don't Skip!)

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  I'm so sorry to disturb this already finished book, (by the time I've posted this, I had completed this book already), but I have something to say. So I'm gonna just copy and paste the rules from my other Fic.

  I'm setting some ground rules cause I got so annoyed and irritated with some of the comments left on this book. Specific comments which I've asked people not to make many times, and they still keep appearing. And I don't wanna snap at someone without thinking, So:

1. Please no commenting about other fics. I'm trying to be original. No comments about November 1st, the forest Fic, the milk Fic, asotm, the dove keeper, or whatever the hell else. It drives me insane and I always have to delete the comments. Just go read my bio if you want a further explanation. (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE!!!)
Edit: I took it off my bio so here's what it was: (((Extra Note: Please stop commenting about asotm, the milk Fic, the dove keeper, etc. I'm trying really hard and it hurts when you guys do that. It feels like you're saying "oh hey lmao check out this other Fic instead" even though you're not saying that. It just feels like it. Plus, when I get at least 10-20 asotm comments on one chapter, it gets extremely annoying. Because this isn't asotm, it's something I worked very hard on to make original. Please stop. I've asked people to stop many times.)))

2. I know you guys like finding references but Its rare when I write references and when I do it's sometimes by accident so please for the love of god if I write "hesitantly" please don't comment "alien" or a shit ton of song lyrics because I go mad. If I write "close the door", do not comment panic lyrics or any other. If it's an empty paragraph and there's no comments, then you can but please don't make a long comments list with the same lyrics over and over and over.

3. Don't start arguments in the comments. That's happened a lot, surprisingly.

4. Please be mature. This isn't a silly fanfiction for me. I put a lot of poetry and soul into this.

⚠️ But please still comment on this book because I love reading them, just not the kind of comments mentioned above. 💙💙💙 (seriously please don't stop commenting I'm thirsty for feedback and reactions)

  Okay, old readers, now you know.
New readers, I hope you'll respect my rules. I have them for a reason ❤️

  Okay, now enjoy!

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